Agent Orange;
Listed Below is all of the known Tour Dates, Album, E.P. & Singles release dates that I have info on from this California surf/punk band. I know there is a hell of a lot more info out there so if you can help let me know. I'm after any Tickets scans, Tour Posters / Flyers, Tour Shirts, Magazine Adverts etc. hector.kirkwood @
I built this and other pages for some of the bands I like as I could not find any decent info on the net anywhere, these are mainly for my own entertainment but if anyone else enjoys them then it's a bonus, enjoy.
Many thanks to Mike Ziegler for numerous updates, additions & corrections.
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- ??/??/1979; Agent Orange form in Placentia, California early/mid '79, Mike (v, g), Scott (d) and Steve (b).
- 26/07/1979; Concert at The Hong Kong Cafe, Los Angeles, CA, USA. opening for Middle Class & U.X.A.
- 31/08/1979; Concert at The Hong Kong Cafe, Los Angeles, CA, USA. opening for Suburban Lawns, with Transients.
- 18/10/1979; Concert at The Renassaince Cafe, Santa Ana, CA, USA. with Social Distortion, Descendants & asst.
- 09/11/1979; Concert at Madame Wong's, Los Angeles, CA, USA. opening for Middles Class, with The Klan.
- 10/11/1979; Concert at The Hong Kong Cafe, Los Angeles, CA, USA. opening for Middle Class, with B-People & The Klan.
- 16/11/1979; Concert at King's Palace, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for The Slashers, The Scientists & The Gears. (date probable).
- 24/11/1979; Concert at King's Palace, Hollywood, CA, USA. with The Alcoholics, Red Cross & asst.
- ??/??/1979; at some point late '79 (or early '80) Steve (b) leaves the band, he is replaced by James.
- 23/05/1980; Concert at The Fleetwood, Redondo Beach, CA, USA. opening for Black Flag, Red Cross, & asst.
- 25/05/1980; Concert at Ichabods, Fullerton, CA, USA. with John Q. Public & Danny Johnson & The Bandits.
- 19/06/1980; Concert at The Hong Kong Cafe, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Circle Jerks & Diodes.
- 23/07/1980; Concert at The Cuckoo's Nest, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. opening for Stingers, with Tiki Gods.
- 30/07/1980; Concert at The Elk's Club, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. with Jet Set. (unsure of date).
- 09/08/1980; Concert at The Cuckoo's Nest, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. opening for The Adolescents & Weirdos.
- 06/09/1980; Concert at La Vida Hot Springs, La Brea, CA, USA. opening for Middle Class, Eddie & The Subtitles & asst.
- 19/09/1980; Concert at Hideaway, Los Angeles, CA, USA. opening for Black Flag & Circle Jerks.
- 21/09/1980; Concert at The Renaissance Cafe, Santa Ana, CA, USA. (unsure of date).
- 01/10/1980; Concert at The Gateway Plaza, UCI, Irvine, CA, USA.
- 04/10/1980; Concert at The Cuckoo's Nest, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. opening for The Gears.
- 18/10/1980; Concert at The Cuckoo's Nest, Costa, Mesa, CA, USA. with The Blasters & The Chills.
- ??/??/1980; 'Bloodstains' 7" released, exact date unknown, late in the year.
- 06/12/1980; Concert at The Cuckoo's Nest, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. opening for T.S.O.L., with The Crowd.
- 16/01/1981; Concert at The Cuckoo's Nest, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. opening for The Blasters, with Jimmy & The Mustangs.
- 03/02/1981; Concert at The Starwood, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for The Weirdos & Middle Class.
- 05/02/1981; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Adolescents.
- 06/02/1981; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Adolescents, with Crucifix.
- 14/02/1981; Concert at The Cuckoo's Nest, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. with Angry Samoans.
- 03/03/1981; Concert at The Neptune, Manhattan Beach, CA, USA. opening for Toxic Shock, with China White & asst.
- 17/03/1981; Concert at The Starwood, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for The Weirdos & Middle Class.
- 27/03/1981; Concert at The Vex, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Circle Jerks & Stingers.
- 05/04/1981; Concert at P.A.L. Boxing Gym, Pomona, CA, USA. opening for D.O.A., with Modern Industry & asst.
- 22/04/1981; Concert at The Stardust Ballroom, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for Fear, with The Chefs (Cheifs?) & O.Z. Airs.
- 24/04/1981; Concert at The Vex, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Social Distortion, Icons & SF Cosmetics.
- 01/05/1981; Concert at The Cuckoo's Nest, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. with T.S.O.L. & Hated.
- 12/05/1981; Concert at The Starwood, Hollywood, CA, USA. with The Crowd & 45 Grave.
- 18/06/1981; Concert at Valley West Concert Club, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Bad Religion. Minutemen & Descendents.
- 26/06/1981; Concert at The Cuckoo's Nest, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. with The Hated & CH3.
- 03/07/1981; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. with VKTMS, B Team & The Brat.
- 05/07/1981; Concert at The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA. with The Wanderers, Stiv Bators & The Lewd. (unsure which show played).
- 05/07/1981; Concert at Golden Cue Pool Hall, Reno, NV, USA. with The Fix, 7 Seconds, Warzone & The Wrecks.
- 17/10/1981; Concert at The Pico River Sports Arena, Pico River, CA, USA. with Social Distortion, Bad Religion, T.S.O.L. & asst.
- ??/11/1981; 'Living In Darkness' album released, exact date unknown.
- 13/11/1981; Concert at The Victoria Hall, Los Angeles, CA, USA. opening for Social Distortion, with Bad Religion, Circle One, Channel 3 & Symbol Six.
- ??/12/1981; 'Everything Turns Gray' 7" released, exact date unknown but around the same time as the lp.
- 29/12/1981; Concert at Godzilla's, North Hollywood, CA, USA. with Target 13 & Teenage Love.
- 09/01/1982; Concert at Godzilla's, North Hollywood, CA, USA. with CH3, Overkill & Terminal Vermin.
- 15/01/1982; Concert at The Broadway Theatre, Santa Ana, CA, USA. (unsure of date, venue may have closed).
- 05/02/1982; Concert at Godzilla's, North Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for Overkill, with The Lewd & Salvation Army.
- 25/02/1982; Concert at The Barn, Torrance, CA, USA. with Rhino 39 & Godhead.
- 12/03/1982; Concert at Whiskey A-Go-Go, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for Twisted Roots. (9:00 show).
- 12/03/1982; Concert at Whiskey A-Go-Go, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for Twisted Roots. (11:00 show).
- 25/03/1982; Concert at The Barn, Torrance, CA, USA. with Salvation Army, Godhead, Rhino 39 & Red Alert. (unsure of date).
- 02/04/1982; Concert at The Ritz, Riverside, CA, USA. with Salvation Army, Godhead & Humane Restrainte.
- 04/04/1982; Concert at The Whiskey A Go-Go, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for Unit 3 & CH3.
- 20/05/1982; Concert at Dancing Waters, San Pedro, CA, USA. with Red Cross & Minutemen.
- 24/05/1982; Concert at The Music Machine, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Jet Set.
- 17/06/1982; Concert at The Paradise, Boston, MA, USA. (Jun. 17th - 24th; 'U.S. Tour' 1982).
- 18/06/1982; Concert at The Brothers, West Haven, CT, USA. with Skunkadelique.
- 19/06/1982; Concert at CBGB's, Manhattan, NY, USA.
- 20/06/1982; Concert at The 9:30 Club, Washington, DC, USA. opening for Circle Jerks.
- 25/06/1982; Concert at Bookie's Club 870, Detroit, MI, USA. with The Americatz & The Enforcers.
- ??/??/1982; 'Bitchin' Summer' 12" released, exact date unknown.
- 07/08/1982; Concert at The Roxy, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Twisted Roots.
- 13/08/1982; Concert at Coal Canyon, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Social Distortion, D.I. & Whale.
- 04/09/1982; Concert at The Galaxy, Fullerton, CA, USA. with Tazers & Lucky Strike.
- 19/09/1982; Concert at Jezebel's, Anaheim, CA, USA. with B. Wild & Cone Of Silence.
- 29/10/1982; Concert at Goleta Comm. Center, Goleta, CA, USA. with Secret Service & The Serging Monkey Preps.
- 30/10/1982; Concert at The Galaxy, Fullerton, CA, USA. with Johnny & The Roadrunners, Mod Beats & Secrets.
- 06/03/1983; Concert at Ichabod's, Fullerton, CA, USA.
- 12/03/1983; Concert at The Concert Factory, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. with Psychobud.
- 26/03/1983; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Black Athletes & Soldiers Of Fortune.
- 02/04/1983; Concert at Madame Wong's, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Combonation & Davey Allen.
- 16/04/1983; Concert at Concert Factory, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. with Psychobud.
- 01/05/1983; Concert at Ruthie's Inn, Berkeley, CA, USA. with Intensified Chaos & Free Beer.
- 02/05/1983; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Los Olvidados, Urban Assault & Unaware.
- 07/07/1983; Concert at Music Machine, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Dave Allen And The Arrows & Halibuts.
- ??/??/1983; 'When You Least Expect It..' 12" released, exact date unknown but early? in the year.
- 04/09/1983; Concert at Music Machine, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Halibuts, Little Girls & Dave Allen And The Arrows.
- 14/09/1983; Concert at Cathay De Grande, Hollywood, CA, USA. with D.I.'s & House Of Cards.
- 16/09/1983; Concert at Club Minimal, Sacramento, CA, USA. with Pariah & The Authorities.
- 17/09/1983; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Code Of Honor.
- 21/10/1983; Concert at The Dangerzone, Tucson, AZ, USA. with Detox & Power Trip.
- 22/10/1983; Concert at Madison Square Gardens, Phoenix, AZ, USA. with Conflict, Power Trip & Detox.
- 10/11/1983; Concert at The Music Machine, Los Angeles, CA, USA. opening for The Halibuts, with The Last & Doe Boyz.
- 18/11/1983; Concert at Multi Purpose Rooms A&B, ??, CA?, USA. with The Cruzados. (date probable).
- 25/11/1983; Concert at The Plant, Studio City, CA, USA. with Screaming Sirens & The Joneses.
- 02/12/1983; Concert at O.N. Club, Hollywood, CA, USA. with Halibuts & Soldiers Of Fortune.
- 13/01/1984; Concert at The Fiesta House, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Leaving Trains & Soldiers Of Fortune.
- 27/01/1984; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with People's Temple.
- 28/01/1984; Concert at Club Minimal, Sacramento, CA, USA. with The Faction, Leaving Trains & asst.
- 18/02/1984; Concert at Metropolis, Seattle, WA, USA. with The Dicks, 10 Minute Warning & Baba Yaga.
- 19/02/1984; Concert at Stalag 13, Vancouver, BC, Canada. with The Dicks, Bill Of Rights & Sisu.
- 26/02/1984; Concert at Ichabods, Fullerton, CA, USA. with Eddie And The Subtitles.
- 20/03/1984; Concert at The American Victorian Museum, Nevada City, CA, USA. with Social Unrest & asst. (unsure of date).
- 31/03/1984; Concert at Pomona Valley Auditorium, Pomona, CA, USA. with The Joneses, The Idolls & Passion Killer.
- 27/04/1984; Concert at San Jose State Student Ballroom, San Jose, CA, USA. with Black Athletes.
- 04/05/1984; Concert at De Anza Theatre, Riverside, CA, USA. opening for 45 Grave, with Stalag 13 & Justice League.
- 11/05/1984; Concert at The Backdoor, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA.
- 04/07/1984; Concert at The Music Machine, Los Angeles, CA, USA. opening for T.S.O.L., with Psycho Bud & The Pandoras.
- 07/07/1984; In-Store-Appearance at 'Kamakazi Records', San Francisco, CA, USA.
- 07/07/1984; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- 10/08/1984; Concert at Flynn's Ocean 71, Miami Beach, CA, USA. with Crank. (Aug. 10th - 26th; 'U.S. Tour 1984').
- 11/08/1984; Concert at The Metroplex, Atlanta, GA, USA. with M.I.A.
- 12/08/1984; Concert at The Antenna Club, Memphis, TN, USA. with Shadow. (originally booked for Nashville).
- 13/08/1984; Concert at Hard Times, Richmond, VA, USA. opening for The Dickies, with Honor Role.
- 14/08/1984; Concert at The Wilson Centre, Washington, DC, USA. with H.R., Marginal Man & M.I.A. (venue moved).
- 16/08/1984; Concert at The East Side Club, Philadelphia, PA, USA. with Sadistic Exploits & M.I.A.
- 17/08/1984; Concert at Paycheck's Lounge, Hamtramck, MI, USA. with The Facts & Triffids.
- 22/08/1984; Concert at The Jockey Club, Newport, KY, USA. with Active Ingredients.
- 23/08/1984; Concert at The Pop Shop, Cleveland, IL, USA.
- 26/08/1984; Concert at The Paradise Club, Boston, MA, USA. with M.I.A. & The Growth.
- 08/09/1984; Concert at Music Machine, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Chardon Square & Electric Tombstone.
- 20/09/1984; Concert at Satyricon, Portland, OR, USA.
- 29/09/1984; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. with The Afflicted & Napalm Beach.
- 09/11/1984; Concert at State Fairgrounds Horticultural Auditorium, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. with Angst.
- 18/11/1984; Concert at Cal State Fair Fullerton Pub, Fullerton, CA, USA.
- 21/11/1984; Concert at Pomona Valley Auditorium, Pomona, CA, USA. opening for The Ramones, with Chardon Square.
- 24/11/1984; Concert at Melody Dance Center, Long Beach, CA, USA. with Fontanelles, Pandoras & Falling Idols.
- 01/12/1984; Concert at New Varsity Theatre, Palo Alto, CA, USA. with Half Church, The Stiffs & Soldiers Of Fortune.
- 29/12/1984; Concert at Oscar's Cornhusker, Azusa, CA, USA. with The Red Devils & The Flamethrowers.
- 04/01/1985; Concert at The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Redd Kross & Soldiers Of Fortune.
- 05/01/1985; Concert at The Keystone, Palo Alto, CA, USA. with Half Church & Soldiers Of Fortune.
- 06/01/1985; Concert at Second Level, Sacramento, CA, USA. with Social Distortion.
- 12/01/1985; In-Store-Appearance at 'Rhino Records', Riverside, CA, USA.
- 12/01/1985; Concert at The Barn, UCR Campus, Riverside, CA, USA. with The Conditionz.
- 07/02/1985; Concert at The Golden Bear, Huntington Beach, CA, USA. with CH3 & Leaving Trains.
- 15/02/1985; Concert at The Country Club, Reseda, CA, USA. with Pandoras & Psychobud.
- 18/02/1985; Concert at The I-Beam, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Witnesses.
- 25/02/1985; Concert at Deja Vu, Costa Mesa, CA, USA. with Radiohead.
- 16/03/1985; Concert at Knights Of Pythias Hall, Tempe, AZ, USA. with The Bleeding Hearts & asst.
- 22/03/1985; Concert at Cal State Fullerton Pub, Fullerton, CA, USA. with Pandoras.
- 12/04/1985; Concert at The Crest Theatre, Sacramento, CA, USA. with Hot Spit Dancers, New Breed, Bl'ast! & Faction.
- 03/05/1985; Concert at Spatz, Huntington Beach, CA, USA.
- 04/05/1985; Concert at Pomona Valley Auditorium, Pomona, CA, USA. opening for Lords Of The New Church, with Flamethrowers.
- 12/05/1985; Concert at The Crest Theatre, Sacramento, CA, USA. with Hot Spit Dancers, Faction & New Breed.
- 25/05/1985; Concert at Madame Wong's, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
- 01/06/1985; Concert at Timber's Ballroom, Glendora, CA, USA. with Chardon Square & Pandoras.
- 19/06/1985; Concert at Mog's, Ventura, CA, USA. with Frankenstien & Vultures Of Soul.
- 12/07/1985; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Red Devils, Sea Hags & Screaming Sirens.
- 13/07/1985; Concert at Club Culture, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. with Nation On Fire, Caustic Notions & Idi Amin's Army.
- 19/07/1985; Concert at Club Lingerie, Hollywood, CA, USA. with Metropolitan & Feline.
- 21/07/1985; Concert at That's Entertainment, Las Vegas, NV, USA. with The Felines & Awol.
- 10/08/1985; Concert at Spatz, Huntington Beach, CA, USA.
- 23/08/1985; Concert at Pomona Vallet Auditorium, Pomona, CA, USA. opening for The Untouchables, with The Chums.
- 24/08/1985; Concert at The Troubadour, West Hollywood, CA, USA.
- 20/09/1985; Concert at Music Machine, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Rik L Rik.
- 04/10/1985; Concert at The Convention Centre, San Jose, CA, USA. with Blast!, Death Sentence & asst.
- 05/10/1985; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Soldiers Of Fortune & Faith No More.
- 19/10/1985; Concert at Spatz, Huntington Beach, CA, USA.
- 31/10/1985; Concert at Fender's Ballroom, Long Beach, CA, USA. opening for Husker Du, with Uniform Choice & with asst.
- 25/01/1986; Concert at Pomona Valley Auditorium, Pomona, CA, USA. opening for Red Hot Chili Peppers, with asst.
- 01/03/1986; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with D.I., Christ On Parade & Rhythm Pigs. (6:00 show).
- 01/03/1986; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Sea Hags, D.I. & House Of Wheels. (10:30 show).
- 14/03/1986; Concert at Vets Hall, Culver City, CA, USA. with Excel, D.I. & asst.
- 09/04/1986; Concert at E.D.H.S. Lecture Hall, Placerville, CA, USA. with Idle Rich & The Adolescents.
- 29/04/1986; 'This Is The Voice' album released.
- 17/05/1986; Concert at New Generation, San Diego, CA, USA. with Exobiota.
- 19/05/1986; Concert at Spatz, Huntinton Beach, CA, USA. with Doggy Style.
- 20/06/1986; Concert at Troy High, Fullerton, CA, USA. with Partners In Crime.
- 27/06/1986; Concert at Fender's Ballroom, Long Beach, CA, USA. opening for T.S.O.L., with D.I., Doggy Style & Blast!.
- 28/06/1986; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with J.F.A., M.D.C. & Doggy Style. (5:00 show).
- 28/06/1986; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Sea Hags & asst. (11:00 show).
- 14/07/1986; In-Store-Appearance at 'Zia Records', Phoenix, AZ, USA.
- 14/07/1986; Concert at The Metro, Phoenix, AZ, USA. (Jul. 14th - Aug. 9th; 'This Is The Voice' tour '86).
- 15/07/1986; Concert at Sound Seas, El Paso, TX, USA.
- 17/07/1986; Concert at The Theatre Gallery, Dallas, TX, USA.
- 18/07/1986; Concert at Continental Club, Austin, TX, USA.
- 19/07/1986; Concert at Cardi's, Houston, TX, USA. with Half Japanese & Velvet Monkeys.
- 23/07/1986; Concert at The 9:30 Club, Washington, DC, USA. with Doggy Style.
- 26/07/1986; Concert at Fishermans Inn, Baltimore, MD, USA. with Grey March & The Loud Ones.
- 27/07/1986; Concert at City Gardens, Trenton, NJ, USA. opening for Descendents, with Dag Nasty & Squirrel Bait.
- 29/07/1986; Concert at Stache's, Columbus, OH, USA. with Gone.
- 31/07/1986; Concert at The Greystone, Detroit, MI, USA. opening for Descendents, with Dag Nasty.
- 01/08/1986; Concert at Turner Hall, Madison, WI, USA. with Earth Shoe.
- 02/08/1986; Concert at First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA. with Gone & Language Club. (4:00 show).
- 02/08/1986; Concert at First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA. with Gone & Language Club. (9:00 show).
- 03/08/1986; Concert at The Metro, Chicago, IL, USA. opening for Descendents, with Dag Nasty.
- 04/08/1986; Concert at Turner's Night Club, St. Louis, MO, USA. with Dead Planet.
- 05/08/1986; Concert at The Outhouse, Lawrence, KS, USA.
- 06/08/1986; Concert at Ladies Choice Showcase Lounge, Denver, CO, USA. with Das Damen & asst.
- 08/08/1986; Concert at Washington Hall, Seattle, WA, USA. with Green River.
- 09/08/1986; Concert at The Satyricon, Portland, OR, USA. with L.B. 50. (6:00 show).
- 09/08/1986; Concert at The Satyricon, Portland, OR, USA. with L.B. 50. (late show).
- ??/??/1986; 'Secret Agent Man' 7" released, exact date unknown.
- ??/??/1986; 'This Is The Voice' 7" released, exact date unknown.
- 10/08/1986; Concert at Santa Cruz Civic, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. with Whipping Boy & The End.
- 12/08/1986; Concert at The DNA Lounge, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- 13/08/1986; Concert at Spanky's, Sacramento, CA, USA. with Vicious Gel & Frightwig. (7:30 show). (moved from The Oasis).
- 13/08/1986; Concert at Spanky's, Sacramento, CA, USA. with Vicious Gel & Frightwig. (10:30 show). (moved from The Oasis).
- 23/08/1986; Concert at Sound Stage, Las Vegas, NV?, USA. with Sampsons Army.
- 24/08/1986; Concert at The Metro, Phoenix, AZ, USA. with Rabid Rabbit.
- 02/09/1986; Concert at The Roxy, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with The Smithereens.
- 04/10/1986; Concert at La Casa, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. with Blast!, Mentors & Virulence.
- 07/11/1986; Concert at Night Moves, Huntington Beach, CA, USA. with Mentors.
- 08/11/1986; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for D.I., with Blast! & Attitude Adjustment.
- 09/11/1986; Concert at Daughter Judy's, Reno, NV, USA. with The Yobs & Short Dogs Grow.
- 26/11/1986; Concert at The Whiskey A Go-Go, Hollywood, CA, USA. with The Mutts, Rik L. Rik & The Bullets.
- 02/01/1987; Concert at The Green Door, Montclair, CA, USA. with Desperation Squad, Doggy Rock & Whitekapps.
- 09/01/1987; Concert at Club Lingerie, Hollywood, CA, USA. with Thelonious Monster & Blood On The Saddle.
- 10/01/1987; Concert at The Golden Eagle, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. opening for Stalag 13, with Doggy Rock & Step Up.
- 21/02/1987; Concert at The Barn, UCR Campus, Riverside, CA, USA. with The Conditionz.
- 25/02/1987; Concert at Cal State Fullerton Amphitheatre, Fullerton, CA, USA.
- 27/02/1987; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Peoples Temple.
- 28/02/1987; Concert at Odd Fellows, Pasadena, CA, USA. with Doggy Style & Rabid Rabbit.
- 06/03/1987; Concert at The Palace, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for Three O'Clock.
- 22/03/1987; Concert at Dancing Waters, San Pedro, CA, USA. with M.I.A. & Lawndale.
- 29/03/1987; Concert at Goodie's, Fullerton, CA, USA. with Jane's Addiction & Electric Cool-Aide.
- 22/04/1987; Concert at Topper's Cafe, La Verne, CA, USA. with Lippy's Garden & The Loveless.
- 29/04/1987; Concert at The Whiskey A Go-Go, Hollywood, CA, USA. with Love Hate & Electric Cool Aide.
- 30/04/1987; Concert at The Backdoor, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA. opening for Fleshtones.
- 09/05/1987; Concert at California State University, Fullerton, CA, USA. afternoon show.
- 09/05/1987; Concert at Night Moves, Huntington Beach, CA, USA. with M.I.A. & Mad Monster Party. evening show.
- 24/05/1987; Concert at Goodie's, Fullerton, CA, USA. with Polo.
- 30/05/1987; Concert at Music Machine, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Lame Flames.
- 27/06/1987; Concert at Night Moves, Huntington Beach, CA, USA. with Tender Fury & Bambi Meets Godzilla.
- 11/07/1987; Concert at The Spirit Club, San Diego, CA, USA. with Inch, Lucy's Fur Coat & Six Feet Under.
- 29/07/1987; Concert at Toppers Cafe, La Verne, CA, USA. with Mad Parade & Stilettos.
- 02/08/1987; Concert at The Mason Jar, Phoenix, AZ, USA. with Rabid Rabbit. (5:30 show).
- 02/08/1987; Concert at The Mason Jar, Phoenix, AZ, USA. with Rabid Rabbit. (9:00 show).
- ??/??/1988; at some point in '88 James (b) leaves the band, he is replaced by Brent.
- 25/03/1988; Concert at The Danceteria, Sacramento, CA, USA. with Herbicide, Sweey Baby Jesus & asst.
- 26/03/1988; Concert at Music Works, San Francisco, CA, USA. with The Watchmen, Frontline & Love Noodle.
- 27/03/1988; Concert at The Ocean Centre, Daytona Beach, FL, USA. with Surf Punks. (Mar. 27th - Apr. 2nd; 'Florida Blast' Tour).
- 01/04/1988; Concert at Jannus Landing, St. Petersburg, FL, USA. with All & Doughboys.
- 02/04/1988; Concert at The Cameo Theatre, Miami Beach, FL, USA. with All, Doughboys & Johnny Blade.
- 07/05/1988; Concert at John Anson Ford Theatre, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for The Dickies, with Henry Rollins Band.
- 23/06/1988; Concert at The Graduate, Isla Vista, CA, USA. opening for Zodiac Mindwarp.
- 13/07/1988; Concert at The Iroquois, Roanoke, VA, USA. with Infamus Basturds. (Jul. 13th - Aug. 6th; 'U.S. Tour 1988').
- 14/07/1988; Concert at The 9:30 Club, Washington, DC, USA. with Soulside.
- 17/07/1988; Concert at City Gardens, Trenton, NJ, USA. with Dag Nasty & Slammin' Watusis.
- 18/07/1988; Concert at The Living Room, Providence, RI, USA. with Henry Rollins.
- 19/07/1988; Concert at T.T. The Bears, Cambridge, MA, USA. with Last Stand.
- 21/07/1988; Concert at Maxwell's, Hoboken, NJ, USA. with Bastro & Rifle Sport.
- 22/07/1988; Concert at The Anthrax, Norwalk, CT, USA. with Scream & Goo Goo Dolls.
- 23/07/1988; Concert at CBGB's, Manhatten, NY, USA. with Scream, Reverb Mothers & Giant Metal Insects.
- 26/07/1988; Concert at Blondie's, Detroit, MI, USA. with Moral Decay & Degenration.
- 27/07/1988; Concert at Peabody's Downunder, Cleveland, OH, USA.
- 28/07/1988; Concert at Bogart's, Cincinnati, OH, USA. opening for D.O.A., with Scream & Underdog.
- 29/07/1988; Concert at Amalgamated Transit Union Hall, St. Louis, MO, USA. with Scream & Underdog.
- 30/07/1988; Concert at Wheels 'N Motion, Green Bay, WI, USA. with Scream, Underdog, Soulside & Rosary.
- 31/07/1988; Concert at The Cubby Bear, Chicago, IL, USA. with Scream, Underdog & Soulside.
- 01/08/1988; Concert at First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA. with Mind Over Four, Soulside & Libido Boyz.
- 03/08/1988; Concert at Malone Centre, Lincoln, NE, USA. with Underdog, Mind Over Four & Side Show.
- 04/08/1988; Concert at The Bottleneck, Lawrence, KS, USA. with Jello Biafra, Underdog & Mind Over Four.
- 06/08/1988; Concert at The Speedway Cafe, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. with D.I., Underdog & Mind Over Four.
- 10/08/1988; Concert at The Civic Auditorium, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. with Whipping Boy, Agression, Mock & The End. (unsure of date).
- 28/08/1988; Concert at The Atlantic Beach Club, Virginia Beach, VA, USA. (may not have played).
- 16/09/1988; Concert at Sonoma County Fairgrounds, Santa Rosa, CA, USA. with Adolescents, Mind Over Four, M.D.C. & Asst.
- 17/09/1988; Concert at Nightbreak, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- 18/09/1988; Concert at The American Victoriana Museum, Nevada City, CA, USA. with D.I., Red Room & Mind Over Four. (date probable).
- 15/10/1988; Concert at VFW Hall, Phoenix, AZ, USA. with J.F.A., Adolescents & asst.
- 20/10/1988; Concert at John Anson Ford Theatre, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for The Damned & Sham 69.
- 05/12/1988; Concert at The Palomino, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for Dick Dale.
- 03/06/1989; Concert at California State University, Long Beach, CA, USA. opening for The Ramones, with Richie Stotts Band.
- ??/??/1989; at some point in '89 Scott (d) leaves the band, he is replaced by Derek, band on hiatus for much of the year.
- 31/01/1990; Concert at The I-Beam, San Francisco, CA, USA.
- 01/02/1990; Concert at The Omni, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Lifeline.
- 02/02/1990; Concert at The Cactus Club, San Jose, CA, USA.
- 31/03/1990; Concert at The Backdoor, San Diego, CA, USA. with The Ninth.
- 25/04/1990; Concert at Bogart's, Long Beach, CA, USA. with Lost Souls & Wipe Out.
- 11/05/1990; Concert at Greek Amph., University Of Redlands, CA, USA. opening for Psychedelic Furs.
- 13/05/1990; Concert at The Cactus Club, San Jose, CA, USA. with Gods With Guns & No Use For A Name.
- 18/05/1990; Concert at The Barn, University Of California, Riverside, CA, USA. with Conditionz.
- 19/05/1990; Concert at Faculty Club Green, La Jolla, CA, USA. with Havalina & asst.
- 26/05/1990; Concert at Iguana's, Tijuana, Mexico.
- 13/07/1990; Concert at Hollywood Palladium, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for Jesus And Mary Chain.
- 14/07/1990; Concert at Iguana's, Tijuana, Mexico. with Big Drill Car & The Ninth.
- 21/07/1990; Concert at The Roxy, Hollywood, CA, USA. with Motorcycle Boy. (8:00 show). released as 'Real Live Sound' live album in 1991.
- 21/07/1990; Concert at The Roxy, Hollywood, CA, USA. with Motorcycle Boy. (10:45 show). released as 'Real Live Sound' live album in 1991.
- 25/07/1990; Concert at Club Tangent, Westminster, CA, USA. with Swamp Zombies & Medicine Rattle.
- 25/08/1990; Concert at Night Moves, Huntington Beach, CA, USA. with Johnny Monster And The Nightmares.
- 14/09/1990; Concert at Golden Bear, Huntington Beach, CA, USA. with Rain On Fire.
- 30/09/1990; Concert at Rampage Entertainment Center, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
- 12/10/1990; Concert at Bogart's, Long Beach, CA, USA. with Lost Souls & Wipe Out.
- 18/10/1990; Concert at The Hop, Riverside, CA, USA. with Last Call.
- ??/??/1990; 'Eldorado' single released, missing track from Oct. '79 sessions, release date unknown.
- ??/??/1991; 'Real Live Sound' live album released, from Hollywood, 21/07/1990.
- 14/02/1991; Concert at Labyrinth, Wurzburg, Germany. with Iron Bugeleisen. (Feb. 14th - 16th; 'Euro Blast' 1991).
- 16/02/1991; Concert at Kulturestation, Munich, Germany. with Dead Milkmen & Parkinsons.
- 29/03/1991; Concert at The Coconut Teaszer, Hollywood, CA, USA. with Snailface & Liquid Sky.
- ??/??/1991; Agent orange continue to tour but 1992-1995 are quiet years, they next tour the States in 1996.
- ??/??/1994; 'This Is The Voice/When You Least Expect It...' compilation released on cd, 'Least' is remixed.
- 08/05/1995; 'It's The Frenzy' compilation released in Japan, best of the early albums.
- 13/05/2003; 'Sonic Shake Session' 2cd set released, contains everything from 1986 to 1990.
Agent Orange version 6.0 - 299 entries - 403 images - 21/07/2024.