Listed Below is all of the known Tour Dates, Album, E.P. & Singles release dates that I have info on from this legendary death metal band. I know there is a hell of a lot more info out there so if you can help let me know. I'm after any Tickets scans, Tour Posters / Flyers, Tour Shirts, Magazine Adverts etc. hector.kirkwood @ gmail.com
I built this and other pages for some of the bands I like as I could not find any decent info on the net anywhere, these are mainly for my own entertainment but if anyone else enjoys them then it's a bonus, enjoy.
Many thanks to Mike Ziegler for numerous updates, additions & corrections.
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- ??/??/1987; Entombed form (as 'Nihilist') in Stockholm late 1987, Alex (g), Nicke (d), Mattias (v), Uffe (g) & Leif (b).
- ??/03/1988; 'Premature Autopsy' three track demo released, date approx. (as 'Nihilist').
- ??/??/1988; Mattias (v) is replaced by L.G., Uffe (g) leaves and Leif (b) switches to guitar to replace him, Johnny joins on bass.
- 19/11/1988; Concert at Fritisgard, Kortedala, Sweden. with Morbid, Intoxicate, Narnia & asst. (as 'Nihilist').
- 20/11/1988; Concert at Folketshus, Sond, Sweden. opening for Morbid, with Dismember & Treblinka. (as 'Nihilist').
- 23/11/1988; Concert at Fryshuset, Stockholm, Sweden. opening for Napalm Death, Filthy Christians & Kazjurol. (as 'Nihilist').
- ??/12/1988; 'Only Shreds Remain' three track demo released, date approx. (as 'Nihilist').
- ??/??/1989; Leif (g) leaves and is replaced by Uffe who he replaced.
- 24/03/1989; Concert at ??, Bjorksatraskolan, Sweden. opening for Treblinka, with Dismember. (as 'Nihilist').
- 07/04/1989; Concert at Cafe Nyflket, Bjirken T-Bana, Sweden. with Dismember, Treblinka & asst. (as 'Nihilist').
- ??/??/1989; at some point in '89 Johnny (b) is replaced by David.
- 27/05/1989; Concert at Folketshus, Orminge, Sweden. (unsure of date, poss '88). (as 'Nihilist').
- ??/08/1989; 'Drowned' two song demo released, date approx. (as 'Nihilist').
- ??/08/1989; at some point around August the band change their name to 'Entombed'.
- ??/09/1989; 'But Life Goes On' demo released, date approx (as 'Entombed').
- 07/02/1990; Concert at Fryshuset, Stockholm, Sweden. opening for Carcass, with Carnage.
- 10/02/1990; Concert at Rockborgen, Fagestra, Sweden. opening for Carcass & Tribulation.
- 15/03/1990; Concert at The Dome, London, England. opening for Carcass & Bolt Thrower.
- ??/??/1990; at some point David (b) leaves, Uffe (g) and Nicke (d) both play bass on the album, at some point Lars joins as bassist.
- 04/05/1990; Concert at Nya Strommen, Norrkoping, Sweden. opening for Merciless, with Carnage.
- 26/05/1990; Concert at Folketshus, Motala, Sweden. with Cadaver, Therion & asst.
- 01/06/1990; Concert at Planet X, Liverpool, England. opening for Carcass, with Haddock Fishbeast. (Jun 1st - 11th; Left Hand Path' U.K. tour 1990).
- 02/06/1990; Concert at Nottingham Polytechnic, Nottingham, England. opening for Carcass, Napalm Death & Godflesh.
- 03/06/1990; Concert at The Dome, London, England. opening for Carcass.
- 04/06/1990; 'Left Hand Path' album released.
- 04/06/1990; Concert at The Riverside, Newcastle, England. opening for Carcass.
- 05/06/1990; Concert at Take Two, Sheffield, England. opening for Carcass.
- 06/06/1990; Concert at Boardwalk, Manchester, England. opening for Carcass.
- 07/06/1990; Concert at Edwards No.8, Birmingham, England. opening for Carcass, with C.O.C., & Carnage.
- 08/06/1990; Concert at Bradford Queens Hall, Bradford, England. opening for Carcass, with Darkened.
- 09/06/1990; Concert at The Stoker, Coventry, England. opening for Carcass.
- 10/06/1990; Concert at The Venue, Edinburgh, Scotland. opening for Carcass.
- 11/06/1990; Concert at The Memorial Club, Wrexham, England. opening for Carcass, with Carnage.
- 23/06/1990; Concert at Netwerk, Aalst, Begium. opening for Carcass, Godflesh, Atrocity & Disharmonic Orchestra. (Jun. 23rd - 29th; 'European Tour' 1990).
- 24/06/1990; Concert at Rockfabrik, Ludwigsburg, Germany. opening for Carcass, Godflesh, Atrocity & Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 25/06/1990; Concert at Gibus, Paris, France. opening for Carcass, Godflesh, Atrocity & Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 26/06/1990; Concert at Rockfabrik, Kehl, Germany. opening for Carcass, Godflesh, Atrocity & Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 27/06/1990; Concert at Rockfabrik, Ausburg, Germany. opening for Carcass, Godflesh, Atrocity & Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 29/06/1990; Concert at ??, Uppsala, Sweden. with Grave, Miasma, Crematory & Aehoth.
- 18/08/1990; Concert at Lepakko, Helsinki, Finland. with Xysma, Amen & Dundelion.
08/10/1990; Concert at Nachtwerk, Munich, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
09/10/1990; Concert at Longhorn, Stuttgart, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
10/10/1990; Concert at Zentralsaal, Bamberg, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
11/10/1990; Concert at Alte Feurwache, Mannheim, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
12/10/1990; Concert at Koma, Biberach, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
14/10/1990; Concert at Exil, Trier, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
15/10/1990; Concert at Rockfabrik, Kehl, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
16/10/1990; Concert at Tor 3, Dusseldorf, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
17/10/1990; Concert at Batschkapp, Frankfurt, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
18/10/1990; Concert at Kreuzsall, Fulda, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
19/10/1990; Concert at Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
21/10/1990; Concert at PC 69, Bielfeld, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
22/10/1990; Concert at The Loft, Berlin, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
23/10/1990; Concert at The Aladin, Bremen, Germany. opening for Napalm Death, with Protector. (pulled from this tour).
- 27/10/1990; Concert at Skee Bygdegard, Stromstad, Sweden. with Disharmonic Orchestra, Cadaver, Dissection & asst. (Oct. 27th - Nov. 18th; 'Mind Blasting Terror' tour).
- 03/11/1990; Concert at Rockborgen, Fagestra, Sweden. opening for Mucky Pup & Biohazard, with Asphyx/Ganx.
- 07/11/1990; Concert at Nighttown, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Sinister.
- 08/11/1990; Concert at Drieluik, Zaandam, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Sinister.
- 09/11/1990; Concert at Scum, Katwijk, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Sinister.
- 10/11/1990; Concert at Posthuis Theater, Heerenveen, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Sinister.
- 11/11/1990; Concert at De Krieg, Aalst, Belgium. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Sinister/Tormentor.
- 12/11/1990; Concert at De Boerderij, Geleen, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Sinister.
- 14/11/1990; Concert at Zope, Horst, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Sinister.
- 15/11/1990; Concert at Doornroosje, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Sinister.
- 16/11/1990; Concert at Metropool, Hegel, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Sinister.
- 17/11/1990; Concert at Willem II, s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Sinister.
- 18/11/1990; Concert at Tivoli, Utrecht, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Sinister.
- 07/12/1990; Concert at Rockcentrum, Uppsala, Sweden. opening for Invocator, with Merciless.
- 08/12/1990; Concert at ??, Norrkoping, Sweden. with Edge Of Sanity.
- 14/12/1990; Concert at Barenbacken, Orebro, Sweden. with Fallen Angel, Trubulation & Altar.
- ??/??/1991; L.G. (v) leaves the band, Orvar sings on the 'Crawl' ep, unsure who sings on the tour.
- ??/03/1991; 'Crawl' ep released, date approx.
- 28/03/1991; Concert at Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany. with Asphyx & Betrayer. (Mar. 28th - Apr. 7th; 'Crawling Germany' tour).
- 29/03/1991; Concert at Clubhouse Der Zementwerker, Karsdorf, Germany. with Asphyx & Betrayer.
- 30/03/1991; Concert at Ecstasy, Berlin, Germany. with Asphyx & Betrayer.
- 31/03/1991; Concert at Kulture, Dresden/Bischofwerd, Germany. with Asphyx & Betrayer.
- 01/04/1991; Concert at Exil, Trier, Germany. with Asphyx & Betrayer.
- 03/04/1991; Concert at Rockhaus, Vienna, Austria. with Asphyx & Betrayer.
- 04/04/1991; Concert at Alter Schlactof, Wels, Austria. with Asphyx & Betrayer.
- 05/04/1991; Concert at Top Act, Bamberg/Zapfendorf, Germany. with Asphyx, Messiah & Betrayer.
- 06/04/1991; Concert at Bruchbuhlhalle, Bruchsal/Neuthat, Germany. with Asphyx, Rotten Bowles & Betrayer.
- 07/04/1991; Concert at Frison, Friborg, Switzerland. with Asphyx & Betrayer.
- 19/04/1991; Concert at Kulturlagret, Falkenberg, Sweden. with Asphyx & Messiah.
- 14/06/1991; Concert at Lepakko, Helsinki, Finland. with Kazjurol, Funebre & Xysma.
- 05/07/1991; Concert at Stadtpark Weissensee, Berlin, Germany. opening for Gwar, Morbid Angel, Candlemass, Morgoth & asst.
- ??/??/1991; at some point Johnny joins on vocals, he is credited on 'Clandestine' but Nicke (d) actually sang.
- 12/09/1991; Concert at The Beacham Theatre, Orlando, FL, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed. (Sep. 12th - Oct. 27th; 'U.S. Tour' 1991).
- 13/09/1991; In-Store-Appearance at 'Specs Music & Video', Tampa, FL, USA.
- 13/09/1991; Concert at The Ritz Theatre, Tampa, FL, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 14/09/1991; Concert at The Roxy, Atlanta, GA, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 16/09/1991; Concert at The Bayou, Washington, DC, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 17/09/1991; Concert at The Trocadero, Philadelphia, PA, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 18/09/1991; Concert at ??, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 21/09/1991; Concert at The Marquee, New York, NY, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed & Ripping Corpse.
- 22/09/1991; Concert at City Gardens, Trenton, NJ, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 23/09/1991; Concert at The Channel, Boston, MA, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 24/09/1991; Concert at Foufounes Electrique, Montreal, QC, Canada. opening for Morbid Angel, with
Unleashed Purulence. ('U' refused entry to Canada, 'E' play as a 3 piece).
- 26/09/1991; Concert at The Opera House, Toronto, ON, Canada. opening for Morbid Angel.
Unleashed. ('U' refused entry to Canada, 'E' play as a 3 piece).
- 27/09/1991; Concert at Flash's, Cleveland, OH, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed & Embalmer.
- 28/09/1991; Concert at Club X, Rochester, NY, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 30/09/1991; Concert at Bogart's, Cincinnati, OH, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 01/10/1991; Concert at Todd's, Detroit, MI, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 03/10/1991; Concert at Medusa's, Chicago, IL, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 04/10/1991; Concert at Central Park Presidents Rm, Milwaukee, WI, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed & Phantasm.
- 06/10/1991; Concert at The Cabooze, Minneapolis, MN, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 08/10/1991; Concert at The Gothic Theatre, Boulder, CO, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 10/10/1991; Concert at ??, Seattle, WA, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 11/10/1991; Concert at The Underground, Portland, OR, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 13/10/1991; Concert at The Omni, Oakland, CA, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 14/10/1991; Concert at One Step Beyond, Santa Clara, CA, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed & Immortal Fate.
- 15/10/1991; Concert at Goodies, Fullerton, CA, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 17/10/1991; Concert at Spanky's Cafe, Riverside, CA, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed, Affliction & Dethshit.
- 18/10/1991; Concert at The Country Club, Reseda, CA, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed, Sadistic Intent & Catalepsy.
- 19/10/1991; Concert at ??, Las Vegas, NV, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
20/10/1991; Concert at Club 101, El Paso, TX, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed. (moved to 22/10).
- 20/10/1991; Concert at ??, Tucson, AZ, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 21/10/1991; Concert at ??, El Paso, TX, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
22/10/1991; Concert at ??, Phoenix, AZ, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed. (cancelled/moved).
- 22/10/1991; Concert at Club 101, El Paso, TX, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 23/10/1991; Concert at The Showcase, San Antonio, TX, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed. (unsure which date is correct).
- 24/10/1991; Concert at The Showcase, San Antonio, TX, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 25/10/1991; Concert at ??, Dallas, TX, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 26/10/1991; Concert at Joe's Garage, Ft. Worth, TX, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed & Crucifix.
- 27/10/1991; Concert at Fitzgerald's, Houston, TX, USA. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 12/11/1991; 'Clandestine' album released.
- 22/11/1991; Concert at Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany.
- 27/11/1991; Concert at Pumpehuset Copenhagen, Sweden. opening for Morbid Angel & Konkhra. (Nov. 27th - Dec. 14th; 'Scandinavian Tour 1991').
- 28/11/1991; Concert at Mejeriet, Lund, Sweden. opening for Morbid Angel.
- 29/11/1991; Concert at XL, Goteburg, Sweden. opening for Morbid Angel.
- 30/11/1991; Concert at The Alaska, Oslo, Norway. opening for Morbid Angel.
- 01/12/1991; Concert at Fryshuset, Stockholm, Sweden. opening for Morbid Angel, with Unleashed.
- 04/12/1991; Concert at Rockborgen, Boras, Sweden. with Kazjurol
- 05/12/1991; Concert at Skylten, Linkoping, Sweden. with Kazjurol.
- 06/12/1991; Concert at Smedjen, Koping, Sweden. with Kazjurol.
- 07/12/1991; Concert at Kulturhuset, Orbero, Sweden. with Kazjurol & Merciless.
- 09/12/1991; Concert at The Roxy, Visby, Sweden. with Kazjurol.
- 11/12/1991; Concert at The Pipeline, Sundsvall, Sweden. with Kazjurol.
- 12/12/1991; Concert at Babelsberg, Kramfora, Sweden. with Kazjurol & Crimlech.
- 13/12/1991; Concert at Musikfabriken, Skelleftea, Sweden. with Kazjurol.
- 14/12/1991; Concert at Musikhuset, Ornskoldsvik, Sweden. with Kazjurol.
- 22/12/1991; Concert at Rockborgen, Fagestra, Sweden. opening for Candlemass, Atheist & Morgoth, with Kazjurol.
- 31/01/1992; Concert at The Palladium, Stockholm, Sweden. opening for Carcass, with Dismember, Grave & asst.
- 15/02/1992; Concert at Barowiak Musikbar, Uppsala, Sweden. with High-Tech Junkies.
- ??/??/1992; at some point early '92 (or late '91), Johnny (v) leaves, J.G returns.
- ??/03/1992; 'Gods Of Grind' split album released, around March.
- 16/03/1992; Concert at Queens Hall, England. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor. (Mar 16th - Apr. 5th; 'Gods Of Grind' tour).
- 17/03/1992; Concert at Edwards No.8, Bradford. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 18/03/1992; Concert at The Astoria, London, England. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 19/03/1992; Concert at Het Paard, Den Haag, The Netherlands. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 21/03/1992; Concert at Neue Welt, Berlin, Germany. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 22/03/1992; Concert at Kulturzentrum, Jena, Germany. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 23/03/1992; Concert at The Docks, Hamburg, Germany. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 24/03/1992; Concert at Tor 3, Dusseldorf, Germany. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 25/03/1992; Concert at Volkhaus, Zurich, Switzerland. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 26/03/1992; Concert at Nachtwerk, Munich, Germany. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 27/03/1992; Concert at Rockhaus, Vienna, Austria. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 28/03/1992; Concert at Oststathalle, Karlsrhue, Germany. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 29/03/1992; Concert at Longhorn, Stuttgart, Germany. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 30/03/1992; Concert at Batschkapp, Frankfurt, Germany. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 01/04/1992; Concert at Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 02/04/1992; Concert at Vrijhof, Enschede, The Netherlands. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 03/04/1992; Concert at Noorderlicht, Tilburg, The Netherlands. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 04/04/1992; Concert at Sporthalle, Bergem, The Netherlands. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral, Confessor & asst.
- 05/04/1992; Concert at Zaal Pede, Lievenshautem, Belgium. opening for Carcass, with Cathedral & Confessor.
- 17/04/1992; Concert at Studio 1, Newark, NJ, USA. with Exhorder, Ripping Corpse & asst. (Apr. 17th - May 31st; 'Breeding Chaos Worldwide' tour).
- 18/04/1992; Concert at Escape Club, Salisbury Beach, MA, USA. with Exhorder.
- 19/04/1992; Concert at Fastline, Asbury Park, NJ, USA. with Exhorder, Ripping Corpse & asst.
- 20/04/1992; Concert at Club Babyhead, Providence, RI, USA. with Exhorder.
- 22/04/1992; Concert at The Bayou, Washington, DC, USA. with Exhorder.
- 23/04/1992; Concert at The Masquerade, Atlanta, GA, USA. with Exhorder, Dead Horse & Deadspeak?.
- 24/04/1992; Concert at Club Detroit, St. Petersburg, FL, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 25/04/1992; Concert at The Breakfast Club, Orlando, FL, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
26/04/1992; Concert at Summers On The Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA. with Deicide, Ripping Corpse, Malevolent Creation & asst. (line up switched).
- 26/04/1992; Concert at Summers On The Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 27/04/1992; Concert at The Combat, Daytona Beach, FL, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 29/04/1992; Concert at The Axiom, Houston, TX, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 30/04/1992; Concert at The Backroom, Austin, TX, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 01/05/1992; Concert at The Showcase, San Antonio, TX, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 02/05/1992; Concert at Joe's Garage, Ft. Worth, TX, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 03/05/1992; Concert at The Coyote Club, Wichita, KS, USA. with Exhorder, Dead Horse & Delecti.
- 04/05/1992; Concert at The Gothic Theatre, Englewood, CO, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 06/05/1992; Concert at El Ray, Albuquerque, NM, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 07/05/1992; Concert at Shepherds, Phoenix, AZ, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 08/05/1992; Concert at Soma, San Diego, CA, USA. with Exhorder, Dead Horse & Damnation.
- 09/05/1992; Concert at Spanky's Cafe, Riverside, CA, USA. with Exhorder, Dead Horse & Exhumed.
- 10/05/1992; Concert at The Whiskey, Hollywood, CA, USA. with Exhorder, Dead Horse & asst.
- 11/05/1992; Concert at One Step Beyond, Santa Clara, CA, USA. with Exhorder, Dead Horse & asst.
- 12/05/1992; Concert at The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Exhorder, Dead Horse & asst.
- 14/05/1992; Concert at ??, Portland, OR, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
15/05/1992; Concert at ??, Seattle, WA, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse. (cancelled).
- 15/05/1992; Concert at The Outhouse, Lawrence, KS, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse. (moved from Seattle).
- 16/05/1992; Concert at Club 367, St. Louis, MO, USA. with Exhorder, Dead Horse & Vulgar Intent.
- 18/05/1992; Concert at 7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, MN, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 19/05/1992; Concert at The City Center, Milwaukee, WI, USA. with Exhorder, Dead Horse, Experiment Fear & Nothing Is Sacred.
- 20/05/1992; Concert at Medusa's, Chicago, IL, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 21/05/1992; Concert at Park Avenue, Columbus, OH, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 22/05/1992; Concert at Todd's, Detroit, MI, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 23/05/1992; Concert at Flash's, Cleveland, OH, USA. with Exhorder, Dead Horse & Blessed Sickness.
- 24/05/1992; Concert at The Opera House, Toronto, ON, Canada. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 26/05/1992; Concert at Foufounes Electrique, Montreal, QC, Canada. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
- 27/05/1992; Concert at Club X, Rochester, NY, USA. with Exhorder & Dead Horse.
27/05/1992; Concert at Club X, Rochester, NY, USA. with Ripping Corpse, Hexx & asst. (line up switched).
28/05/1992; Concert at ??, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Exhorder. (cancelled).
- 28/05/1992; Concert at The Scrapyard, Buffalo, NY, USA. with Incantation & Dead Horse.
- 29/05/1992; Concert at Trocadero, Philadelphia, PA, USA. with Exhorder.
- 30/05/1992; Concert at L'Amour, New York, NY, USA. with Exhorder.
- 31/05/1992; Concert at ??, Hadley, MA, USA. with Exhorder.
- ??/06/1992; 'Stranger Aeons' ep released.
- 09/06/1992; Concert at Out, Dossenheim, Germany. with Disharmonic Orchestra. (Jun. 9th - Jul. 2nd; '...The Chaos Continues' tour).
- 10/06/1992; Concert at Crash, Freiburg, Germany. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 11/06/1992; Concert at Circus, Gammelsdorf, Germany. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 13/06/1992; Concert at Lido, Louven, Belgium. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 14/06/1992; Concert at Vera, Groningen, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 16/06/1992; Concert at Espace Ornano, Paris, France. with Disharmonic Orchestra & Crusher.
- 17/06/1992; Concert at Melkweg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 18/06/1992; Concert at Burgerweeshuis, Diverter, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 19/06/1992; Concert at Club Scum, Katwijk, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 20/06/1992; Concert at Klepperrock, Hardenberg, The Netherlands. opening for Pestilence, with Morgoth, Disharmonic Orchestra & asst.
- 21/06/1992; Concert at W2 Poppodium, Hargenburg, The Netherlands. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 22/06/1992; Concert at Sporthalle, Volkingen, Germany. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 23/06/1992; Concert at Komm, Nurmberg, Germany. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 24/06/1992; Concert at Rockfabrik, Ludwigsburg, Germany. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 25/06/1992; Concert at Zeche Carl, Essen, Germany. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 26/06/1992; Concert at Dyrskuepladsen, Roskilde, Denmark. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 27/06/1992; Concert at Neue Welt, Berlin, Germany. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 28/06/1992; Concert at Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 29/06/1992; Concert at The Aladin, Bremen, Germany. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 30/06/1992; Concert at Hyde Park, Osnabruck, Germany. with Disharmonic Orchestra.
- 01/07/1992; Concert at Nighttown, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
- 02/07/1992; Concert at ??, Hameenlinna, Finland.
- 17/07/1992; Concert at The Gateway Theatre, Chicago, IL, USA. with Exhorder & Plague. (listed by mistake/cancelled?).
- 21/03/1993; 'Hollowman' ep released.
- 17/04/1993; Concert at Fatburen, Huddinge, Sweden. (played as 'Monkey Pus', warm up show).
- 10/05/1993; Concert at Barowiak Musikbar, Uppsala, Sweden.
- 15/05/1993; Concert at Barowiak, Uppsala, Sweden. with Merciless. (May 15th - 26th; 'Europe' 1993 Tour).
- 18/05/1993; Concert at Pumpehuset, Copenhagen, Denmark. with Merciless.
- 20/05/1993; Concert at Zech Carl, Essen, Germany. with Vomitory.
- 21/05/1993; Concert at The Marquee, London, England. with Lawnmower Deth.
- 22/05/1993; Concert at Paard Van Troje, The Hague, The Netherlands.
- 23/05/1993; Concert at G.D.V., Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, Belgium.
- 25/05/1993; Concert at L'Ubu, Rennes, France. with Loudblast.
- 26/05/1993; Concert at Elysee Montmartre, Paris, France. with Loudblast.
- 05/06/1993; Concert at Berglasrocken, Fagestra, Sweden. with Ride, Biohazard, Toy Dolls & asst.
- 21/06/1993; Concert at The Bayou, Washington, DC, USA. (Jun. 21st - 23rd; 'U.S. Blast' Mini Tour).
- 22/06/1993; Concert at Obsessions, Randolph, NJ, USA.
- 23/06/1993; Concert at The Grand, New York, NY, USA.
- 12/08/1993; Concert at Folkets Park, Hultsfred, Sweden. opening for Blur, S.O.I.A. Rollins Band & asst.
- 05/09/1993; Concert at Gulo Luscus, Karusell, Sweden. warm up show billed as 'Dogvomit'.
- 04/10/1993; 'Wolverine Blues' album released.
- 17/10/1993; Concert at The Astoria, London, England. (Oct. 17th - Nov. 11th; 'Wolverine Blues' European Tour).
- 19/10/1993; Concert at The Music Hall, Cologne, Germany.
- 20/10/1993; Concert at Huxley's, Berlin, Germany.
- 21/10/1993; Concert at Club AM, Gera, Germany.
- 22/10/1993; Concert at Alter Schlactof, Wels, Germany.
- 23/10/1993; Concert at E-Werk, Erlangen, Germany.
- 26/10/1993; Concert at Batchkapp, Frankfurt, Germany.
- 27/10/1993; Concert at Longhorn, Stuttgart, Germany.
- 28/10/1993; Concert at Terminal 1, Munich, Germany.
- 29/10/1993; Concert at Szene, Wien, Vienna, Italy.
- 30/10/1993; Concert at Rockhaus, Salzburg, Germany.
- 31/10/1993; Concert at ??, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- 01/11/1993; Concert at Zimba, Milan, Italy.
- 03/11/1993; Concert at Volkshaus, Zurich, Switzerland.
- 04/11/1993; Concert at Arapaho, Paris, France.
- 06/11/1993; Concert at The Melkweg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- 07/11/1993; Concert at Noorderlicht, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
- 08/11/1993; Concert at Hyde Park, Osnabruck, Germany.
- 09/11/1993; Concert at Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany.
- 11/12/1993; Concert at Ungdomens Hus, Uppsala, Sweden. with Hoarse & T.S.P.
- 15/12/1993; Concert at Noorderlicht, Tilburg, The Netherlands. with Genetic Wisdom.
- 16/12/1993; Concert at Carl-Diem-Halle, Wurzburg, Germany. opening for Motorhead, Kreator & Sodom. (Dec. 16th - 22nd; 'Christmas Metal Meetings '93' tour).
- 17/12/1993; Concert at Die Halle, Berlin, Germany. opening for Motorhead, Kreator & Sodom.
- 19/12/1993; Concert at Phillipshalle, Dusseldorf, Germany. opening for Motorhead, Kreator & Sodom.
- 20/12/1993; Concert at Stadhalle, Bremen, Germany. opening for Motorhead, Kreator & Sodom.
- 21/12/1993; Concert at Stadhalle, Offenbach, Germany. opening for Motorhead, Kreator & Sodom.
- 22/12/1993; Concert at Terminal 1, Munich, Germany. opening for Motorhead, Kreator & Sodom.
- 22/01/1994; Concert at Arena A Lopez Mateos, Tlanepantla, Mexico. with Cenotaph & Allusion.
- 23/01/1994; Concert at Concha Acustica Parque Hidalgo, Leon, Mexico. with Makina & Marduk (mx).
- 25/01/1994; 'Wolverine Blues (Marvel Comics)' version released.
- ??/02/1994; 'Contempt' promo single released, in time for the tour.
- 19/02/1994; Concert at Jethro Fong Theatre, Halifax, NS, Canada. with Spine & asst. (Feb. 19th - Mar. 8th; 'Misanthropic In Canada' tour).
- 20/02/1994; Concert at The Shipyard, Moncton, NB, Canada.
- 21/02/1994; Concert at Salle Paroissiale De Sainte-Angele, Saint-Angele, QC, Canada. with Necrotic Mutation & Lord Mortis.
- 22/02/1994; Concert at Le D'Auteuil, Quebec City, QC, Canada.
- 23/02/1994; Concert at Le D'Auteuil, Quebec City, QC, Canada.
- 24/02/1994; Concert at Roxanne's Night Club, Gatineau, QC, Canada.
- 25/02/1994; Concert at Foufounes Electriques, Montreal, QC, Canada. with Kataklysm.
- 26/02/1994; Concert at The Opera House, Toronto, ON, Canada.
- 27/02/1994; Concert at The Embassy Hotel, London, ON, Canada.
- 28/02/1994; Concert at ??, London, ON, Canada.
- 01/03/1994; Concert at ??, London, ON, Canada.
- 02/03/1994; Concert at Ozzy's, Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
- 03/03/1994; Concert at Channel One, Regina, SK, Canada.
- 04/03/1994; Concert at ??, Regina, SK, Canada.
- 05/03/1994; Concert at Cheers, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
- 06/03/1994; Concert at ??, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
- 07/03/1994; Concert at The Town Pump, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- 08/03/1994; Concert at The Forge, Victoria, BC, Canada.
- 11/03/1993; Concert at Haze Theatre, San Francisco, CA, USA. (Mar. 11th - Apr. 16th; 'U.S. Tour' 1994).
- 12/03/1994; Concert at World Beat Center, San Diego, CA, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 13/03/1994; Concert at Hollywood Palladium, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for Pantera, White Zombie & Prong, with The Obsessed.
- 14/03/1994; Concert at Ventura Theatre, CA, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 15/03/1994; Concert at World Beat Centre, San Diego, CA, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 16/03/1994; Concert at The Mason Jar, Phoenix, AZ, USA. with Unsane & Obsessed.
- 18/03/1994; Concert at Rafter's, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 20/03/1994; Concert at The Gothic Theatre, Denver, CO, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 23/03/1994; Concert at Ranch Bowl, Omaha, NE, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 24/03/1994; Concert at Cain's Ballroom, Tulsa, OK, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 26/03/1994; Concert at Club 367, St. Louis, MO, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 28/03/1994; Concert at The Centre Stage, Sioux Falls, SD, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 01/04/1994; Concert at The Mirage, Minneapolis, MN, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 02/04/1994; Concert at The Rave, Milwaukee, WI, USA. with Unsane, The Obsessed & Phantasm.
- 03/04/1994; Concert at The Oak Theatre, Chicago, IL, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 04/04/1994; Concert at Bogart's, Cincinnati, OH, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 05/04/1994; Concert at The Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, OH, USA. with Unsane & The Obsessed.
- 06/04/1994; Concert at City Limits, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Unsane, Sleep & Leprosy.
- 07/04/1994; Concert at Hammerjacks, Baltimore, MD, USA. with Unsane & Sleep.
- 08/04/1994; Concert at The Trocadero, Philadelphia, PA, USA. with Unsane.
- 10/04/1994; Concert at The Limelight, New York, NY, USA. with Unsane.
- 13/04/1994; Concert at Club Babyhead, Providence, RI, USA. with Unsane & Sleep.
- 14/03/1994; Concert at Gargoyle Exotix Tea House, Warren, OH, USA. with Unsane & Fuzztub.
- 16/04/1994; Concert at Harpo's, Detroit, MI, USA. with Unsane.
- 05/05/1994; Concert at Que The Club, Birmingham, England. opening for Napalm Death, with Warlord. (May 5th - Jul. 1st; 'Out Of Hand' Europe 1994).
- 07/05/1994; Concert at The Marquee, London, England. opening for Napalm Death.
- 08/05/1994; Concert at Tivoli, Utrecht, The Netherlands. opening for Napalm Death.
- 09/05/1994; Concert at The Melkweg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. opening for Napalm Death.
- 10/05/1994; Concert at Nighttown, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. opening for Napalm Death.
- 11/05/1994; Concert at Poppodium Atak, Enschede, The Netherlands. opening for Napalm Death.
- 12/05/1994; Concert at Efenaar, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. opening for Napalm Death.
- 13/05/1994; Concert at Doornroose, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. opening for Napalm Death.
- 14/05/1994; Concert at Lac Do St. Pardoux, Limoges, France. opening for Napalm Death, with Coroner, Murphy's Law & asst.
- 15/05/1994; Concert at Salle Des Fetes, Vandoeurve-Les Nancy, France. opening for Napalm Death.
- 16/05/1994; Concert at Elysee Montmartre, Paris, France. opening for Napalm Death.
- 18/05/1994; Concert at Casino Theatre Barriere, Bordeaux, France. opening for Napalm Death.
- 19/05/1994; Concert at Azkena, Vittoria, Spain. opening for Napalm Death.
- 20/05/1994; Concert at Sala Canciller 2, Madrid, Spain. opening for Napalm Death.
- 21/05/1994; Concert at Zeleste 2, Barcelona, Spain. opening for Napalm Death.
- 22/05/1994; Concert at Nave Industrial, Castellon, Spain. opening for Napalm Death.
- 23/05/1994; Concert at Le Bikini, Toulouse, France. opening for Napalm Death.
- 24/05/1994; Concert at Rail Theatre, Lyon, France. opening for Napalm Death.
- 25/05/1994; Concert at Rolling Stone, Milan, Italy. opening for Napalm Death.
- 26/05/1994; Concert at Konzerthaus Schuur, Lucerne, Switzerland. opening for Napalm Death.
- 27/05/1994; Concert at L'Usine, Geneva, Switzerland. opening for Napalm Death.
- 28/05/1994; Concert at Crash, Fribourg, Switzerland. opening for Napalm Death.
- 30/05/1994; Concert at Dvorana Kodeljevo, Ljubljana, Slovenia. opening for Napalm Death.
- 31/05/1994; Concert at Rock Club Remetinec, Zagreb, Croatia. opening for Napalm Death.
- 01/06/1994; Concert at Petofi Csarnok, Budapest, Hungary. opening for Napalm Death.
- 02/06/1994; Concert at The Orpheum, Graz, Austria. opening for Napalm Death.
- 03/06/1994; Concert at Vienna Arena, Vienna, Austria. opening for Napalm Death.
- 04/06/1994; Concert at Werdau-Stadtpark, Werdau, Germany. opening for Napalm Death & S.O.I.A., with asst.
- 05/06/1994; Concert at Charterhalle, Munchen-Reim, Germany. opening for Napalm Death.
- 07/06/1994; Concert at Die Rohre, Stuttgart, Germany. opening for Napalm Death.
- 08/06/1994; Concert at Batschkapp, Frankfurt, Germany. opening for Napalm Death.
- 09/06/1994; Concert at Haus Aunsee, Leipzig, Germany. opening for Napalm Death.
- 10/06/1994; Concert at Lindenpark, Potsdam, Germany. opening for Napalm Death.
- 11/06/1994; Concert at Komm, Nuremberg, Germany. opening for Napalm Death.
- 12/06/1994; Concert at Zeche Carl, Essen, Germany. opening for Napalm Death.
- 13/06/1994; Concert at Hyde Park, Osnabruck, Germany. opening for Napalm Death.
- 14/06/1994; Concert at Music Hall, Hannover, Germany. opening for Napalm Death.
- 15/06/1994; Concert at SO36, Berlin, Germany. opening for Napalm Death.
- 16/06/1994; Concert at Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany. opening for Napalm Death.
- 17/06/1994; Concert at Pumpehuset, Copenhagen, Denmark. opening for Napalm Death.
- 18/06/1994; Concert at Rockefeller Music Hall, Oslo, Norway. opening for Napalm Death.
- 19/06/1994; Concert at Gino, Stockholm, Sweden. opening for Napalm Death.
- 20/06/1994; Concert at Musikens Hall, Gothenburg, Sweden. opening for Napalm Death.
- 22/06/1994; Concert at Klub Stodola, Warsaw, Poland. opening for Napalm Death.
- 23/06/1994; Concert at Vystaviste, Prague, Czech Republic. opening for Napalm Death.
- 25/06/1994; Concert at L'Orangerie Du Botanique, Brussels, Belgium. opening for Napalm Death.
26/06/1994; Concert at The Garage, Manchester, England. opening for Napalm Death. (date on ad wrong, was 28th).
- 27/06/1994; Concert at The Garage, Glasgow, Scotland. opening for Napalm Death.
- 28/06/1994; Concert at Manchester University, Manchester, England. opening for Napalm Death. (date on ad wrong).
- 29/06/1994; Concert at The Waterfront, Norwich, England. opening for Napalm Death.
- 30/06/1994; Concert at The Astoria II, London, England. opening for Napalm Death.
- 01/07/1994; Concert at Wulfrun Hall, Wolverhampton, England. opening for Napalm Death.
- 04/07/1994; 'Out Of Hand' ep released.
- 05/08/1994; Concert at Roxanne, Tel Aviv, Israel. with Substance For God.
- 06/08/1994; Concert at Roxanne, Tel Aviv, Israel. with Salem.
- ??/09/1994; 'Full Of Hell' ep released in U.S.A., exact date unknown but in time for the tour.
- 23/09/1994; Concert at City Limits, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Amorphis & Pungent Stench. (Sep. 23rd - Oct. 30th; 'U.S. Tour' 1994).
- 24/09/1994; Concert at Harpo's, Detroit, MI, USA. with Amorphis.
- 25/09/1994; Concert at The Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, OH, USA. with Amorphis & Sodomized.
- 27/09/1994; Concert at Newport Music Hall, Columbus, OH, USA. with Amorphis & Pungent Stench.
- 28/09/1994; Concert at Bogart's, Cincinatti, OH, USA. with Amorphis.
- 29/09/1994; Concert at Reptile House, Grand Rapids, MI, USA. with Amorphis.
- 30/09/1994; Concert at The Rave, Milwaukee, WI, USA. with Amorphis, Pungent Stench, Dead Silence & Feck.
- 01/10/1994; Concert at Big Dog Nightclub, Cedar Rapids, IA, USA. with Amorphis.
- 03/10/1994; Concert at ??, Denver, CO, USA. with Amorphis.
- 06/10/1994; Concert at RKCNDY, Seattle, WA, USA. with Amorphis.
- 07/10/1994; Concert at ??, Portland, OR, USA. with Amorphis.
- 09/10/1994; Concert at Berkeley Square, Berkeley, CA, USA. with Amorphis & Thanatopsis.
- 10/10/1994; Concert at The Whiskey, Los Angeles, CA, USA. with Amorphis.
- 11/10/1994; Concert at The Showcase Theatre, Corona, CA, USA. with Amorphis.
- 12/10/1994; Concert at The Mason Jar, Phoenix, AZ, USA. with Amorphis.
- 13/10/1994; Concert at ??, Santa Fe, NM, USA. with Amorphis.
- 15/10/1994; Concert at The Backroom, Austin, TX, USA. with Amorphis.
- 16/10/1994; Concert at The Abyss, Houston, TX, USA. with Amorphis.
- 17/10/1994; Concert at Headliners, Madison, WI, USA. with Amorphis & Alienation.
- 18/10/1994; Concert at Trees, Dallas, TX, USA. with Amorphis.
- 20/10/1994; Concert at The Masquerade, Atlanta, GA, USA. with Amorphis, Monster & Pungent Stench.
- 21/10/1994; Concert at Dr. Feelgood's, Columbia, SC, USA. with Amorphis.
- 22/10/1994; Concert at Snookers, Raleigh, NC, USA. with Amorphis.
- 23/10/1994; Concert at ??, Richmond, VA, USA. with Amorphis.
- 25/10/1994; Concert at Nsect Club, Hampton, VA, USA. with Amorphis.
- 26/10/1994; Concert at The Bayou, Washington, DC, USA. with Amorphis.
- 27/10/1994; Concert at Saratoga Winners, Cohoes, NY, USA. with Amorphis.
- 28/10/1994; Concert at El N Gee, New London, CT, USA. with Amorphis & Rezin.
- 29/10/1994; Concert at The Axis, Boston, MA, USA. with Amorphis.
- 30/10/1994; Concert at The Limelight, New York, NY, USA. with Brutal Truth & Amorphis.
- ??/??/1995; 'Night Of The Vampire/I Hate People' split single with New Bomb Turks released, exact date unknown.
- ??/??/1995; Entombed on hiatus for much of the year having no record label.
- ??/10/1995; at some point Lars (b) leaves and is replaced by Jorgen.
- ??/10/1995; despite announcing a new label signing the band do not sign with a new label until late '96.
- 28/02/1996; Concert at Packhuset, Goteburg, Sweden. opening for Refused, with Fireside. (Feb. 28th - Mar. 10th; 'Sweden' 1996 Tour).
- 29/02/1996; Concert at Cupolen, Linkoping, Sweden. opening for Refused, with Fireside.
- 01/03/1996; Concert at Mejeret, Lund, Sweden. opening for Refused, with Fireside.
- 02/03/1996; Concert at Diesel, Hamlstad, Sweden. opening for Refused, with Fireside.
- 03/03/1996; Concert at Kaskad, Vaxho, Sweden. opening for Refused, with Fireside.
- 05/03/1996; Concert at Sten Sure & Co., Uppsala, Sweden. opening for Refused, with Fireside.
- 06/03/1996; Concert at Gamla Bryggeriet, Sundsvall, Sweden. opening for Refused, with Fireside.
- 07/03/1996; Concert at Holken, Carlsbad, Sweden. opening for Refused, with Fireside.
- 08/03/1996; Concert at Conventum Club 100,. Orebro, Sweden. opening for Refused, with Fireside.
- 09/03/1996; Concert at Eldslandet, Jonkoping, Sweden. opening for Refused, with Fireside.
- 10/03/1996; Concert at Gino, Stockholm, Sweden. opening for Refused, with Fireside.
- 14/07/1996; Concert at The Underworld, London, England. with Above All & Dearly Beheaded.
- ??/??/1996; Entombed on hiatus again.
- ??/03/1997; 'To Ride, Shoot Straight And Speak The Truth' album released, exact date unknown.
- ??/03/1997; 'Like This With The Devil/Damn Deal Done' sampler cd released.
- 11/03/1997; Concert at Sten Sture & Co., Uppsala, Sweden. (Mar. 11th - May 2nd; 'To Ride, Shoot Straight & Speak The Truth' tour).
- 12/03/1997; Concert at Skylten, Linkoping, Sweden.
- 13/03/1997; Concert at Fryshuset, Stockholm, Sweden.
- 14/03/1997; Concert at ??, Vaxjo, Sweden.
- 15/03/1997; Concert at The Tivoli, Helsingbord, Sweden.
- 16/03/1997; Concert at Kulturbolaget, Malmo, Sweden.
- 18/03/1997; Concert at ??, Dudley, England.
- 19/03/1997; Concert at Bradford Rio, Bradford, England. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 20/03/1997; Concert at The Cathouse, Glasgow, Scotland. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 21/03/1997; Concert at Nottingham Rock City, Nottingham, England. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 22/03/1997; Concert at The Oval Rock House, Norwich, England. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 23/03/1997; Concert at The Astoria II, London, England. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 25/03/1997; Concert at La Boule Noire, Paris, France. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 26/03/1997; Concert at The Melkweg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 27/03/1997; Concert at Biebob, Vosselaar, Belgium. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 28/03/1997; Concert at De Pul, Uden, The Netherlands. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 29/03/1997; Concert at Saar-Mosel-Halle, Konz, Germany. opening for Obituary & Samael, with Crowbar & asst.
- 30/03/1997; Concert at Live Music Hall, Cologne, Germany. opening for Obituary & Samael, with Crowbar & asst.
- 31/03/1997; Concert at Easy Schorre, Halle, Germany. opening for Obituary & Samael, with Crowbar & asst.
- 01/04/1997; Concert at LKA Longhorn, Stuttgart, Germany. opening for Obituary & Samael, with Crowbar & asst.
- 02/04/1997; Concert at Colosseum, Munich, Germany. opening for Obituary & Samael, with Crowbar & asst.
- 03/04/1997; Concert at Huxley's Neue Welt, Berlin, Germany. opening for Obituary & Samael, with Crowbar & asst.
- 04/04/1997; Concert at Stadhalle, Lichtenfels, Germany. opening for Obituary & Samael, with Crowbar & asst.
- 05/04/1997; Concert at Tivoli, Freiberg, Germany. opening for Obituary & Samael, with Crowbar & asst.
- 06/04/1997; Concert at Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany. opening for Obituary & Samael, with Crowbar & asst.
- 07/04/1997; Concert at Ruhr-Rock-Hallen, Dortmund, Germany. opening for Obituary & Samael, with Crowbar & asst.
- 08/04/1997; Concert at RC Bunkr, Prague, Czech Republic. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 09/04/1997; Concert at Mega Club, Katowice, Poland. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 10/04/1997; Concert at Szene, Vienna, Austria. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 11/04/1997; Concert at Komma, Worgl, Austria. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 12/04/1997; Concert at Rockhose Saal, Salzburg, Austria. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 13/04/1997; Concert at SKC, Belgrade, Yugoslavia. with Gosti.
- 14/04/1997; Concert at Magic Bus, Marcon, Italy. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 15/04/1997; Concert at Rainbow Club, Milan, Italy. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 16/04/1997; Concert at Victoire 2, Saint-Jean-De-Vedas, France. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 17/04/1997; Concert at Garage Club, Barcelona, Spain. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 19/04/1997; Concert at ??, Lisbon, Spain. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 20/04/1997; Concert at Sala KTDral, Madrid, Spain. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 22/04/1997; Concert at Transvordeur, Villeurbanne, France. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 23/04/1997; Concert at Ebullition, Bulle, Switzerland. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 24/04/1997; Concert at X-Tra, Zurich, Switzerland. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 25/04/1997; 'Entombed' compilation album released.
- 26/04/1997; Concert at ??, Alborg, Denmark. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 27/04/1997; Concert at ??, Arhus, Denmark. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 28/04/1997; Concert at Pumpehuset, Copenhagen, Denmark. with Mary Beats Jane.
- 29/04/1997; Concert at Mejeriet, Lund, Sweden.
- 30/04/1997; Concert at ??, Gothenburg, Sweden.
- 01/05/1997; Concert at So What!, Oslo, Norway.
- 02/05/1997; Concert at ??, Stockholm, Sweden.
- 16/05/1997; Concert at Vliegbasis Welschap, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. opening for Limp Bizkit, Slo-Burn & asst. 'Dynamo Festival'.
- 28/06/1997; Concert at Darupvej, Roskilde, Denmark. opening for Smashing Pumpkins, Nekromantix & asst. 'Roskilde Festival'.
- 29/06/1997; Concert at Boertang, Dessel, Belgium. opening for Megadeth, Alice Cooper, Biohazard & asst. 'Graspop Metal Meeting'.
- 04/07/1997; Concert at Flugplatz Zwickau, Zwickau, Germany. opening for Manowar & Rammstein, with asst. 'With Full Force Festival'.
- 05/07/1997; Concert at Tivoliparken, Kristianstad, Sweden. opening for Fu Manchu, Backyard babies & asst. 'Tivolirock Festival'.
- 06/09/1997; Concert at MSC-Stadion, Jubek, Germany. opening for Bohse Onkelz, Manowar & Saxon, with asst.
- 27/09/1997; Concert at The Stage, Hanley, England. with Neurosis & Breach. (Sep. 27th - Oct. 21st; 'Wreckage' tour).
- 28/09/1997; Concert at J.B.'s, Dudley, England. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 29/09/1997; Concert at The Limelight, Ireland. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 30/09/1997; Concert at The Music Center, Dublin, Ireland. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 01/10/1997; Concert at The Garage, Glasgow, Scotland. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 02/10/1997; Concert at Bradford Rio's, Bradford, England. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 03/10/1997; Concert at Nottingham Rock City, Nottingham, England. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 04/10/1997; Concert at The Krazy House, Liverpool, England. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 05/10/1997; Concert at The Astoria, London, England. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 06/10/1997; 'Wreckage' ep released.
- 06/10/1997; Concert at L'Arapaho, Paris, France. with Neurosis.
- 07/10/1997; Concert at GDV, Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, Belgium. with Neurosis.
- 09/10/1997; Concert at Willem II, Den Bosch, The Netherlands. with Neurosis.
- 10/10/1997; Concert at Mau, Rostock, Germany. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 11/10/1997; Concert at Markthalle, Hamburg, Germany. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 12/10/1997; Concert at Loppen, Copenhagen, Denmark. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 13/10/1997; Concert at Pfefferberg, Berlin, Germany. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 14/10/1997; Concert at Schlactof, Bremen, Germany. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 15/10/1997; Concert at Zeche Carl, Essen, Germany. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 16/10/1997; Concert at Live Music Hall, Cologne, Germany. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 17/10/1997; Concert at Alter Stadbahnof, Schweinfurt, Germany. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 18/10/1997; Concert at Liw, Gardelegen, Germany. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 19/10/1997; Concert at Conne Island, Leipzig, Germany. Neurosis & Breach.
- 20/10/1997; Concert at Nachtwerk, Munich, Germany. with Neurosis & Breach.
- 21/10/1997; Concert at Katakonmbe, Karlsrhue, Germany. with Necrophagist.
- 07/11/1997; Concert at Spinnerei, Traun, Austria. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co. (Nov. 7th - Dec. 19th; 'To Ride..' Europe 1997 Pt.2).
- 08/11/1997; Concert at The Festhalle, Kaindorf, Austria. opening for Machine Head.
- 09/11/1997; Concert at Rockhouse Sall, Salzburg, Austria. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 11/11/1997; Concert at Conrad Sohm, Dorbrin, Austria. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 12/11/1997; Concert at Z7 Konzertfabrik, Pratteln, Switzerland. opening for Machine Head.
- 13/11/1997; Concert at Salle Des fetes Du Lignon, Geneva, Switzerland. opening for Machine Head.
- 14/11/1997; Concert at The Brabanthallen, S'Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 15/11/1997; Concert at Vooruit, Gent, Belgium. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 16/11/1997; Concert at The Den Atelier, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 18/11/1997; Concert at The Palabudrio, Bologna, Italy. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 19/11/1997; Concert at The Palacencerti Aquatica, Milan, Italy. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 20/11/1997; Concert at The Theatre De Verdue, Nice, France. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 22/11/1997; Concert at The Theatre Du Moulin, Marseille, France. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 24/11/1997; Concert at The Zeleste, Barcelona, Spain. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 25/11/1997; Concert at Arena Auditoruim, Valencia, Spain. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 26/11/1997; Concert at The Sala Neptuna, Granada, Spain. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 27/11/1997; Concert at The Canceller, Madrid, Spain. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 28/11/1997; Concert at The Sala Jam, Bergera, Spain. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 29/11/1997; Concert at La Pied, Toulouse, France. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 30/11/1997; Concert at The Krakatoa, Morignac, France. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 02/12/1997; Concert at L'Olympic, Nantes, France. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 03/12/1997; Concert at La Fonderie, Caen, France. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 04/12/1997; Concert at Le Zenith, Paris, France. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 05/12/1997; Concert at La Laiterie, Strasbourg, France. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 06/12/1997; Concert at Le Transporteur, Lyon, France. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 07/12/1997; Concert at L'Aeroneuf, Lille, France. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 08/12/1997; Concert at The Paradiso, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 10/12/1997; Concert at Newport Center, Newport, Wales. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 11/12/1997; Concert at The T&C, Leeds, England. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 12/12/1997; Concert at Wolverhampton Civic Hall, Wolverhampton, England. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 14/12/1997; Concert at U.E.A., Norwich, England. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 15/12/1997; Concert at The Academy, Manchester, England. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 16/12/1997; Concert at The Newport Centre, Newport, Wales. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 18/12/1997; Concert at The Astoria, London, England. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- 19/12/1997; Concert at The Astoria, London, England. opening for Machine Head, with Misery Loves Co.
- ??/??/1998; Entombed tour Australia, America, U.K. & Japan, dates to follow.
- 07/09/1998; 'Monkey Puss (Live In London)' live album released, live from London 13/08/1992, also on video with extras.
- 16/11/1998; 'Same Difference' album released.
- ??/??/1998; 'Addiction King/Clauses' promo sampler released, exact date unknown.
- ??/??/1999; Entombed tour Australia, Europe & U.K., dates to follow.
- 11/11/2002; 'Sons Of Satan Praise The Lord' 2cd compilation released, comp of covers ('93-'99) with some unreleased tracks.
- 05/02/2014; 'To Ride, Shoot Straight & Speak The Truth' album released with a bonus disc of demos & live tracks.
- 05/02/2014; 'Same Difference' album released with a bonus disc of demo & live tracks.
- 17/04/2014; 'Entombed' four lp box set released, first three albums & 'Hollowman' ep.
- 30/09/2016; 'The Best Of Entombed' generic compilation released.
- 28/03/2024; 'Entombed - Early Years' three lp box set released, same as the 2014 set minus the ep.
Entombed version 6.0 - 573 entries - 386 images - 03/02/2025.