Half Life;
Listed Below is all of the known Tour Dates, Album, E.P. & Singles release dates that I have info on from this Pittsburgh hardcore band. I know there is a hell of a lot more info out there so if you can help let me know. I'm after any Tickets scans, Tour Posters / Flyers, Tour Shirts, Magazine Adverts etc. hector.kirkwood @ gmail.com
I built this and other pages for some of the bands I like as I could not find any decent info on the net anywhere, these are mainly for my own entertainment but if anyone else enjoys them then it's a bonus, enjoy.
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- ??/??/1983; Half Life form in Pittsburgh late '83; Mike L. (b), Jeff (v), Mike M. (g) and Blair (d).
- 05/05/1984; Concert at The New Group Theatre, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Five, with asst. first show.
- 23/05/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Bats.
- 27/05/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Society's Victim, with 2000 Maniacs.
- 02/06/1984; Concert at The Upstage Lounge, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for D.R.I., with Poisoning.
- 10/06/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Offers, with Society's Victim.
- 18/06/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Husker Du, with Bats & White Wreckage.
- 29/07/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for J.F.A., with Sun City Girls.
- ??/??/1984; at some point around Autumn Blair (d) leaves, he is replaced by Ron.
- ??/??/1984; at some point around Autumn Rick joins as 2nd guitarist.
- 06/09/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburg, PA, USA. opening for Raw Power & Riistetyt, with White Wreckage.
16/09/1984; Concert at Graffiti, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Fang, with White Wreckage. (moved to 18th & dif venue).
- 18/09/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Fang, with White Wreckage & S.M.D.
- 09/10/1984; Concert at Graffiti, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Husker Du, with Poisoning.
- 14/10/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Dr. Know, with Pressure Sensitive & Society's Victim.
- 21/10/1984; 'What's Right' demo recorded at 'Sound Seven Studios', Valencia, PA.
- 25/10/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for 7 Seconds, with White Wreckage. (date probable).
- 27/10/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Five, with The Bats.
- 28/10/1984; Live Appearance on 'WRCT Radio', Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
- 04/11/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Stretch Marks, with asst. (unsure of date).
- 07/11/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Samhain, with asst. (booked for 8/11 originally).
- 25/11/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Verbal Abuse, with Flak & Poisoning. (date probable).
- ??/01/1985; 'What's Right' twelve song demo released, exact date unknown.
- ??/??/1985; at some point after the demo Mike M. (g) leaves, he is replaced by Vinny.
- 24/02/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Poisoning.
- 17/03/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Suicidal Tendencies.
- 10/04/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Exploited & U.K. Subs. (7:00 show).
- 10/04/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Exploited & U.K. Subs. (10:00 show).
- 22/04/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Minutemen, with The Riffs.
- 25/04/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Samhain, with Savage Amused.
- 09/05/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Subhumans & Scream.
- 12/05/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for G.B.H.
- 19/05/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Raw Power, with The Breakouts & Savage Amused.
- 26/05/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Agnostic Front, with Savage Amused.
- 31/05/1985; Concert at West Playground Building, Catasaqua, PA, USA. opening for Adrenalin O.D., with asst.
- 01/06/1985; Concert at Wormleysburg Borough Hall, Allentown, PA, USA. wopening for Adrnelin O.D., with Beefeater & asst.
- 02/06/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburg, PA, USA. opening for Battalion Of Saints.
- 09/06/1985; Concert at CBGB's, Manhattan, NY, USA. opening for Agnostic Front & Absence Of Malice, with Seizure.
- 30/06/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Dead Milkmen, Vampire Lezbos & asst.
- 03/07/1985; Concert at The Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC, USA. opening for Scream, with Beefeater, Antidote & asst.
- 07/07/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Savage Amused, Rebels & Infidels & Don't No.
- 14/07/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Ill Repute & Scared Straight, with Godspeed.
- 25/07/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Opening for Psycho, with Cancerous Growth & Diatribe.
- 04/08/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for C.O.S., with Stiff Legged Sheep.
- 15/08/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Mad Parade & Murphy's Law.
20/08/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for 7 Seconds, with SMD. (moved to 04/09).
- 29/08/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for S.N.F.U., with Upright Citizens.
- 03/09/1985; Concert at The Camphill Knights Of Columbus, Harrisburg, PA, USA. opening for 7 Seconds & Dag Nasty, with T.G.T.S.
- 04/09/1985; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for 7 Seconds, with Detox.
- 12/09/1985; Concert at The Underground Railroad, Morgantown, WV, USA. opening for Agression.
- ??/??/1985; late in the year Ron (d) leaves, Damon replaces him at some point but no shows are played for three months.
- ??/??/1985; also late in the year Rick (g) leaves, the band carry on as a four piece.
- 27/01/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Descendents, with Circus Of Death.
- 06/02/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Dag Nasty & Beefeater.
- 16/02/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Government Issue, with Circus Of Death.
- 22/02/1986; Concert at The Variety Theatre, Cleveland, OH, USA. with The Plague, V.S.M. & asst.
- 16/03/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Scream, with Circus Of Death.
- 23/03/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Life Sentence, with P.T.D. & The Convenience.
- 27/04/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Circle Of Shit.
- 18/05/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Dag Nasty, with Tension.
- 09/06/1986; Concert at The Catty Shack, Catasauqua, PA, USA. opening for G.B.H. & Agnostic Front.
- 11/06/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for D.R.I., with The Deformed.
- 16/06/1986; 'Under The Knife' recorded at Black Pond Studios, Washington, DC, USA.
- 29/06/1986; Concert at The Factory, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Circus Of Death, with asst.
- 06/07/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for No Trend, with Pleased Youth.
- 13/07/1986; Concert at The Complex, Washington, DC, USA. opening for Government Issue & Straw Dogs.
- 23/07/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Descendents & Dag Nasty.
01/08/1986; Concert at The Graystone, Detroit, MI, USA. opening for Samhain, with Tar Babies. cancelled.
- 06/08/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for G.B.H. & Cro-Mags.
- 07/09/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Government Issue. (date probable).
- 03/10/1986; Concert at Findley Rec. Room, University Park, Philadelphia, PA, USA. opening for Th' Inbred, with asst.
- 16/10/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Adolescents.
- 02/11/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Murphy's Law, with The Deformed.
- ??/11/1986 'Under The Knife' four song single released, date is approx.
- 23/11/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Day Glow Abortions, with Doomwatch.
- 20/12/1986; Concert at City Limits, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Necropolis, Dream Death & asst.
- 25/01/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Cro-Mags.
- 31/01/1987; Concert at City Gardens, Trenton, NJ, USA. opening for Gang Green, with Scepter.
- 14/02/1987; Concert at Millington Fire House, Millington, NJ, USA. opening for Adrenalin O.D., with Hollow Bodies & Skid.
- 15/02/1987; Concert at The Demi, Enola, PA, USA. opening for Government Issue, with Jack Lord's Hair.
- 21/02/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Battered Citizens & asst. (unsure of date).
- 08/03/1987; Concert at City Gardens, Trenton, NJ, USA. opening for Descendents, Gang Green & Dag Nasty.
- 14/03/1987; Concert at City Limits, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Government Issue, with Heretics.
- 20/03/1987; Concert at J.B.'s Downunder, Kent, OH, USA. with Sons Of Ishmael.
- 23/03/1986; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Life Sentence, with P.T.D. & The Convenience.
- 28/04/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Rhythm Pigs & Scratch Acid.
- 03/05/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Starvation Army, with Knife Dance.
- 09/05/1987; Concert at City Limits, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Nuclear Assault, with Eviction.
- 13/05/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Meatmen.
- 16/05/1987; Concert at The Anthrax, Norwalk, CT, USA. opening for Reagan Youth & Seizure.
- 16/05/1987; Concert at The Graystone, Detroit, MI, USA. opening for D.I. (unsure which show played).
- 20/05/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburg, PA, USA. opening for D.I.
- 23/05/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Spuds.
- 31/05/1987; Concert at Club Pizazz, Philadelphia, PA, USA. opening for The Accused, with Barely Human & & Suburban Uprise.
- 31/05/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Meatmen & School Of Violence. (unsure which show played, date poss wrong).
- 14/06/1987; Concert at Bohemia, Cleveland, OH, USA. opening for D.R.I.
- 15/06/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for D.R.I.
- 21/06/1987; Concert at CBGB's, Manhattan, NY, USA. opening for Underdog & Life Sentence, with Rest In Pieces.
- 11/07/1987; Live Appearance on 'KCPR Radio', San Louis Obispo, CA, USA.
- 18/07/1987; Concert at 924 Gilman St., Berkeley, CA, USA. with Short Dogs Grow & asst. (Jul. 18th - 31st; 'West Coast' Tour '87).
- ??/??/1987; 'What's Left' eleven song demo recorded in California during the tour.
- 24/07/1987; Concert at The Hoover Rec. Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA. opening for Ill Repute & Life Sentence, with Underdog.
- 26/07/1987; Concert at Carpenter's Hall, San Diego, CA, USA. opening for The Exploited, with Blast! & Frontline. (Vinny's (g) last gig).
- ??/07/1987; Vinny (g) leaves, Rick re-joins replacing him after the tour (?), some shows cancelled?.
- 31/07/1987; Concert at The Community World Theatre, Tacoma, WA, USA. with Subvert & Coffin Break.
- 12/08/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Scumrockers & Necracedia.
- 15/08/1987; Concert at The Graystone, Detroit, MI, USA. opening for Fang, with Foundation.
- 16/08/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Castle Blood & Doomwatch.
- 02/09/1987; Concert at Peabody's Down Under, Cleveland, OH, USA. opening for Naked Raygun.
- ??/09/1987; 'What's Left' eleven song demo released, date is approx.
- 11/09/1987; Concert at The Metal Shop, North Tonawanda, NY, USA. opening for Verbal Abuse, with D.I.E.
- 16/09/1987; Concert at City Limits, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for G.B.H. & The Accused, with Castle Blood.
- 30/09/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Bl'ast!.
- 16/10/1987; Concert at The Anthrax, Norwalk, CT, USA. opening for GWAR & 76% Uncertain.
- 13/11/1987; Concert at City Limits, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for W.O.W., with Bird Of Prey.
- 13/12/1987; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Agnostic Front, with Castle Blood.
- 31/01/1988; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Exploited, with Eviction.
- 21/02/1988; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Battered Citizens & asst.
- 08/03/1988; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Exploited.
- 17/04/1988; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for King Face.
- 03/05/1988; 'I Got It Bad...' demo recorded at Black Pond Studios, Washington, DC, USA.
- 30/05/1988; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with B.C. & Goon.
- 16/06/1988; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Anti-Heroes.
- 17/06/1988; Concert at Sundance, Bayshore, NY, USA. opening for Youth Of Today, with Bold, Hogan's Heroes & All For One.
- 19/06/1988; Concert at CBGB's, Manhattan, NY, USA. opening for Nausea, with Soulside & Strange Flesh.
- 08/07/1988; Concert at WUST Hall, Washington, DC, USA. opening for Warzone, with Immoral Discipline.
23/07/1988; Concert at The Rotation Station, Rockford, IL, USA. opening for Attempt & Half Off. (cancelled).
- 24/07/1988; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Warzone, with Barbed Wire Dolls.
- 30/07/1988; Concert at Frankford YWCA, Philadelphia, PA, USA. opening for Blind Approach, with S.O.I.A., Not-Us & Arresting Officer.
- ??/??/1988; 'I Got It Bad... And That Ain't Good' single released, sometime at the end of the year.
- 03/08/1988; Concert at Danceland, Latrobe, PA, USA. opening for NOFX, with Direct Action & B.C. (Mike L. (b) last show.
- ??/08/1988; August '88 Mike L. (b) leaves, Troy replaces him.
- 17/09/1988; Concert at The Anthrax, Norwalk, CT, USA. opening for Agnostic Front/Nausea, with Rhino.
- 29/09/1988; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Social Distortion.
- 14/10/1988; Concert at Wally's Place, Bethlehem, PA, USA. opening for Pagan Babies, with asst.
- 26/10/1988; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for All & Chemical People.
- 12/11/1988; Concert at CBGB's, Manhattan, NY, USA. opening for GO! & asst. (unsure of date).
- 17/11/1988; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Government Issue, with Sinister.
- 27/11/1988; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for The Dwarves, with Plague & Split Decision.
- 07/01/1989; Concert at Evergreen Firehall, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Doomwatch, with Eviction & asst.
- 26/01/1989; Concert at Graffiti, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for 7 Seconds.
- 01/02/1989; Concert at City Limits, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Danzig, with Necropolis.
- 12/02/1989; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Condemned 84, with Barbed Wire Dolls.
- 12/03/1989; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for School Of Violence, with Eviction.
- 12/04/1989; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Death Notice, Slugworth & Necracedia.
- 14/04/1989; Concert at The Sonic Temple, Wilkinsburg, PA, USA. opening for Bullet Lavolta & The Lemonheads.
- 15/04/1989; Concert at Jam 'N Skate, Belle Vernon, PA, USA. with Battered Citizens & asst.
- 23/04/1989; Concert at Faces, Bridgeville, PA, USA. with Necropolis, Doomwatch & asst.
- 13/05/1989; Concert at Jam 'N Skate, Belle Vernon, PA, USA. with Goon, Split Decision & asst.
- 24/05/1989; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for All & Day Glow Abortions. (moved from Sonic Temple).
- ??/05/1989; 'Never Give In' album released, exact date unknown.
- 28/05/1989; Concert at The Sonic Temple, Wilkinsburg, PA, USA. with Doomwatch & B.S. ('Never Give In' release show).
- 11/06/1989; Concert at Jam 'N Skate, Belle Vernon, PA, USA. with Split Decision & asst.
- 20/06/1989; Concert at Savers, Cleveland, OH?, USA. with Eviction & Trellborg.
- 28/06/1989; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Eviction & Death Notice.
- 16/07/1989; Concert at The Edge Club, Schenectady, NY, USA. opening for American Standard & Apology, with Eviction.
- 25/07/1989; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Murphy's Law, with Lost Cause.
- 17/08/1989; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Social Distortion, with Travesty.
- 19/08/1989; Concert at The Sonic Temple, Wilkinsburg, PA, USA. with Goon, Sinister & Barbed Wire Dolls.
- 21/09/1989; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for U.K. Subs & Broken Bones.
- 03/12/1989; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Life Sentence, with asst.
- 04/12/1989; Concert at City Limits, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for G.B.H.
- 12/12/1989; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Eviction, No Excuse & Barbed Wire Dolls.
- 18/12/1989; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. opening for Life Sentence, with Barbed Wire Dolls.
- ??/??/1989; Half Life appear to split up late '89 or early 1990.
- ??/??/1991; 'What's Right' album released, contains the '84 demo with a few extra tracks.
- ??/06/1992; the band reform for a one-off show with the 1987 line up; (Jeff/Vince/Damon/Mike L.).
- 12/06/1992?; Concert at Knights Of Columbus Hall, South Euclid, OH, USA. with Knifedance & asst. 1st reunion show.
- ??/08/2002; the band reform again to celebrate the 'Yesterdays' compilation release, same line up as the '92 show.
- 23/08/2002; Concert at 31st Street Pub, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with S.T.D. & Drop Gun.
- 23/08/2002; Concert at Club Laga, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Submachine & Caustic Christ.
- 26/08/2002; 'All Our Yesterdays' compilation released, 'What's Left', 'Under The Knife' and comp tracks.
- 30/08/2002; Concert at 31st Street Pub, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Penance & Turbo A.C.'s.
- 31/08/2002; Concert at 1877, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Caustic Christ & asst. (final show as of 2024).
Half Life version 1.0 - 181 entries - 238 images - 16/03/2024.