N.O.T.A. (None Of The Above);
Listed Below is all of the known Tour Dates, Album, E.P. & Singles release dates that I have info on from this hardcore band. I know there is a hell of a lot more info out there so if you can help let me know. I'm after any Tickets scans, Tour Posters / Flyers, Tour Shirts, Magazine Adverts etc. hector.kirkwood @ gmail.com
I built this and other pages for some of the bands I like as I could not find any decent info on the net anywhere, these are mainly for my own entertainment but if anyone else enjoys them then it's a bonus, enjoy.
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- ??/04/1980; N.O.T.A. form, Jeff (v,g), Bruce (b), & Bob (d), with asst guitarists, they also split up twice.
- 12/04/1980; Concert at The Bleu Grotto Club, Tulsa, OK, USA. with The Jacks.
- 26/05/1980; Concert at The Flaming Armadillo, Tulsa, OK, USA. with The New Mysterians.
- 25/10/1980; Concert at The Bleu Grotto, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Hitler Youth.
- 26/10/1980; Concert at The Bleu Grotto, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 05/11/1980; Concert at The Circle R Lounge, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 06/11/1980; Concert at The Circle R Lounge, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 26/11/1980; Concert at The Circle R Lounge, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 12/12/1980; Concert at The Bleu Grotto, Tulsa, OK, USA. with Uh Oh's & The Fantastic Four.
- 06/02/1981; Concert at The Uark Theatre, Fayetteville, AR, USA. with Mutant Fish.
- 07/02/1981; Concert at The Uark Theatre, Fayetteville, AR, USA. with Mutant Fish.
- 25/03/1981; Concert at The Circle R Lounge, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 08/05/1981; Concert at The Uark Theatre, Fayetteville, AR, USA. with KuKuKu.
- 09/05/1981; Concert at The Uark Theatre, Fayetteville, AR, USA. with KuKuKu.
- 10/08/1981; Concert at The Bomber Lounge, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 21/10/1981; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 23/10/1981; Concert at The Uark Theatre, Fayetteville, AR, USA.
- 24/10/1981; Concert at The Uark Theatre, Fayetteville, AR, USA.
- 25/10/1981; Concert at The Bomber Lounge, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 26/05/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. last show as a three piece.
- ??/06/1982; Russel (g) joins the band, around this time the name is shortened to N.O.T.A.
- 25/06/1982; Concert at Muskogee Assembly Center, Muskogee, OK, USA.
- ??/??/1982; 'In The Pavement' demo released, eight songs, exact date unknown.
- 06/07/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 07/07/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for CH3.
& China White (CW cancel).
- 10/08/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Husker Du.
- 31/08/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Battalion Of Saints., with Agression. (cancelled?).
- 01/09/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 21/09/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA.
opening for Social Distortion & Youth Brigade. SD & YB cancelled, N.O.T.A. play.
- 12/10/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Code Of Honor.
- ??/10/1982; Concert at The Homorial Skate Park, Tulsa, OK, USA. with No Direction. (exact date unknown).
- 31/10/1982; Concert at The Warehouse, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 10/11/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Meat Puppets.
- 24/11/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Los Reactors.
10/12/1982; Concert at The Armory, Norman, OK, USA. with No Direction & Defenestration. (bomb threat moves the show to 11th Dec).
- 11/12/1982; Concert at The Armory, Norman, OK, USA. with No Direction & Defenestration.
- 14/12/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Legal Weapon. (unsure which night played).
- 15/12/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Legal Weapon.
- 21/12/1982; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Husker Du.
- 11/01/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. released as 'Recorded Live..' album.
- 21/01/1983; Concert at Studio D, Dallas, TX, USA. opening for Husker Du.
- 22/01/1983; Concert at The Armory, Norman, OK, USA. opening for Husker Du, with No Direction.
- 25/01/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Husker Du, with Hard Kiri.
- ??/??/1983; Concert at The Island, Houston, TX, USA. with The Assassins. (exact date unknown).
- 16/02/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. with Karl Schmitt Musikwerks.
- 19/02/1983; Concert at V.F.W. Post 9969, Del City, OK, USA. with No Direction.
- 04/03/1983; Concert at The Dance Cafe, Tulsa, OK, USA. with The Messerschmits.
- 15/03/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Legal Weapon, with No Direction.
- 16/03/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Legal Weapon, with No Direction.
- 19/03/1983; Concert at Cain's Ballroom, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 16/04/1983; Concert at Cain's Ballroom, Tulsa, OK, USA. with Dale Lawton & The Bridge Climbers.
- 20/04/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Fang.
- 23/04/1983; Concert at Road Apple Party Place, Columbia, MO, USA. with No Direction & asst.
- 30/04/1983; Concert at The Dance Cafe, Tulsa, OK, USA. with No Direction.
- 10/05/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Legal Weapon.
- 11/05/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 12/05/1983; Concert at Cain's Ballroom, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Dead Kennedys, with No Direction.
- 15/05/1983; Concert at Fair Park Band Shell, Dallas, TX, USA. opening for Dead Kennedys, with Bomb Squad & Assassins.
24/05/1983; Concert at Trax, Dallas, TX, USA. opening for Dead Kennedys & Butthole Surfers. (postponed).
- 04/06/1983; Concert at The Ritz, Austin, TX, USA. opening for Die Kreuzen, with The Offenders, Crotch Rot & asst.
- 05/06/1983; Concert at Raw Power, San Antonio, TX, USA. opening for Die Kreuzen, with The Offenders & Bang Gang.
- ??/??/1983; 'Recorded Live At The Crystal Pistol' album released, exact date unknown.
- 14/06/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Legal Weapon.
- 15/06/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 17/06/1983; Concert at V.F.W. Hall, Kansas City, MO, USA. opening for Dead Kennedys, with asst.
- 18/06/1983; Concert at The Captain's Cabin, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Circle Jerks, with Rhythm Pigs.
01/07/1983; Concert at Axis-I, Dallas, TX, USA. opening for CH3, Bomb Squad & The Holy. (didn't play).
- 13/07/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Articles Of Faith.
- 16/07/1983; Concert at The Galaxy Club, Dallas, TX, USA. with The Caffiends. (unsure which show played).
- 16/07/1983; Concert at Electronic Silvermint Skatepark, Tusla, OK, USA. with No Direction.
- 30/07/1983; Concert at Liberty Hall, Dallas, TX, USA. opening for Big Boys, with Stinky Shits.
- 03/08/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Whipping Boy.
- 06/08/1983; Concert at Electronic Silvermint Skate Park/Studio 77, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Scream, with No Direction & The Flaming Lips.
- 17/08/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Social Unrest, with No Direction.
- 19/08/1983; Concert at V.F.W. Hall, Kansas City, MO, USA. opening for Big Boys, with Mortal Micronotz.
- 31/08/1983; Concert at The Crystal Pistol, Tulsa, OK, USA.
- 30/09/1983; Concert at The Barn, Norman, OK, USA. opening for White Cross, with No Direction.
- 08/10/1983; Concert at Ray's Place, Kansas City, MO, USA. with Slabs.
- 18/11/1983; Concert at The American Legion, Norman, OK, USA. opening for Crucifix, with No Direction & Hostages.
- 03/12/1983; Concert at The American Legion, Norman, OK, USA. with No Direction & Hostages.
- 11/01/1984; Concert at Gestalt Studio, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Crucifucks.
- 18/01/1984; Concert at CBGB's, Manhattan, NY, USA. with Ten Hail Mary's & asst.
- 10/02/1984; Concert at The Foolkiller, Kansas City, MO, USA. with Orange Doe-Nuts, C.O.T. & Slabs.
25/02/1984; Concert at The V.F.W. Hall, Kansas City, MO, USA. opening for G.B.H., with asst. (show didn't happen).
- 25/02/1984; Concert at The Legion, Norman, OK, USA. opening for D.R.I., with asst.
- 04/03/1984; Concert at Gestalt Studio, Tulsa, OK, USA. with Gomers & D.O.W.
- ??/??/1984; 'Moscow' single released, exact date unknown.
- 15/04/1984; Concert at Gestalt Studio, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Offenders, with Brown 25 & No Direction.
- 05/05/1984; Concert at The Foolkiller, Kansas City, MO, USA. with Blood Clowns & asst.
- 09/05/1984; Concert at Cleveland County Fairgrounds, Norman, OK, USA. opening for Husker Du, with No Direction.
- 12/05/1984; Concert at The Opera House, Lawrence, KS, USA. opening for Husker Du & The Pedaljets.
- 20/05/1984; Concert at Gestalt Studio, Tulsa, OK, USA. with Das Gomers & On Edge.
- 09/06/1984; Concert at Voltaires, Austin, TX, USA. with Offenders, Scratch Acid & Not For Sale.
- 14/06/1984; Concert at The 424 Club, Tulsa, OK?, USA. (unsure of date).
- 28/07/1984; Concert at The Native American Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. with Brown 25 & Apathy Arrangement.
- 10/08/1984; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. with
Gang Green, Stranglehold Painted Willie & asst. (line up changed). (Aug. 10th - 26th; 'West Coast' 1984 tour).
- 11/08/1984; Concert at Ruthie's Inn, Berkeley, CA, USA. opening for Necros, Social Distortion & Social Unrest, with asst. (S.D. cancel?).
- 12/08/1984; Concert at E-13's Basement, Eugene, OR, USA. opening for E-13, with Moose Lodge.
- 13/08/1984; Concert at a house party, Eugene, OR, USA. opening for J.F.A.
- 14/08/1984; Concert at The Entertainment Factory, Carmichael, CA, USA. opening for J.F.A., T.S.O.L. & Sun City Girls.
17/08/1984; Concert at Fairmont Hall, San Diego, CA, USA. (scheduled but didn't happen).
- 18/08/1984; Concert at The Cathay De Grande, Los Angeles, CA, USA. opening for D.I., with asst.
- 23/08/1984; Concert at The Cathay De Grande, Los Angeles, CA, USA. opening for F.U.'s & Stranglehold, with asst.
24/08/1984; Concert at ??, Las Vegas, NV, USA. (scheduled but didn't happen).
- 24/08/1984; Concert at Studio 517, San Diego, CA, USA. with Plain Wrap & Dum Dum Boys.
- 26/08/1984; Concert a a basement, Denver, CO, USA. with U.T.I. & Musical Suicide. (booked for 25th originally).
- ??/09/1984; 'Toy Soldiers E.P.' single released, exact date unknown.
- 26/10/1984; Concert at The Brickyard, Lincoln, NE, USA. with Baby Hot Line & asst. (unsure of date).
- 01/11/1984; Concert at The Native American Centre, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. opening for 7 Seconds, with Crucifucks.
- 04/11/1984; Concert at Lawrence Opera House, Lawrence, KS, USA. opening for Dead Kennedys, with The Micronotz.
- 27/11/1984; Concert at The Vortex Club, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for CH3 & Stretch Marks. (date probable).
- 01/12/1984; Concert at The Opera House, Lawrence, KS, USA. opening for Husker Du, with asst.
- 12/12/1984; Concert at ??, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Decry.
- 31/12/1984; Concert at The Vortex Club, Tulsa, OK, USA. with True Godzilla.
- 18/01/1985; Concert at The Twilite Room, Dallas, TX, USA. with Verbal Abuse, Sketch & Melcoolies.
- 20/01/1985; Concert at Cabaret Voltaire II, Houston, TX, USA. with Offenders.
- 02/02/1985; Concert at The Vortex Club, Tulsa, OK, USA. with Neddleton Ash.
- 23/02/1985; Concert at Liberty Lunch, Austin, TX, USA. opening for Die Kreuzen, with The Offenders.
- 03/04/1985; Concert at The Native American Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. opening for Battalion Of Saints.
- 15/04/1985; Concert at 1444 Newport Street, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for R.K.L. & Dr. Know.
18/04/1985; Concert at The Native American Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. opening for Agnostic Front, with True Godzilla. (moved to 23rd).
- 23/04/1985; Concert at The Native American Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. opening for Agnostic Front.
- 16/05/1985; Concert at The Scene, Dallas, TX, USA. opening for Pig Children & Sacred Hate.
- 18/05/1985; Concert at Klutch's, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Offenders, with Toxxin.
- 29/07/1985; Concert at Klutch's, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Adrenalin O.D.
- 24/08/1985; Concert at The Native American Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. opening for Social Unrest.
- ??/09/1985; 'N.O.T.A.' album released, exact date unknown.
- 07/09/1985; Concert at Club Nitro, Tulsa, OK, USA. opening for Rhythm Pigs.
- 27/09/1985; Concert at Club Nitro, Tulsa, OK, USA. with Brown 25 & Anti-Socials.
- ??/10/1985; Concert at The V.F.W., Memphis, TN, USA. (exact date unknown). (Oct. 10th - 28th; 'U.S. Tour' 1985).
- 10/10/1985; Concert at The Underground Railroad, Morgantown, WV, USA. with Th' Inbred & Idiom.
- 11/10/1985; Concert at The V.F.W. Hall, Albany, NY, USA. with Cancerous Growth & Rest In Pieces.
??/10/1985; Concert at CBGB's, Manhattan, NY, USA. (band argue with Hilly who cancels their slot, exact date unknown).
- 19/10/1985; Concert at Eutaw St. Clubhouse, Baltimore, MD, USA. opening for Murphy's Law.
- 22/10/1985; Concert at LMNOP, Lexington, KY, USA. with 76% Uncertain.
- 24/10/1985; Concert at Stache's, Columbus, OH, USA. with 76% Uncertain & Silent Majority.
- 25/10/1985; Concert at The Jockey Club, Newport, KY, USA. with Sluggo & Flak.
- 26/10/1985; Concert at The No Bar & Grill, Muncia, IN, USA.
- 27/10/1985; Concert at The Metro, Chicago, IL, USA. opening for Raw Power, with Decry.
- 28/10/1985; Concert at The Foolkiller, Kansas City, MO, USA. with Slabs & Orange Doe-Nuts.
- ??/??/1985; 'No Chance' four song demo released, exact date/year unknown.
- 23/11/1985; Concert at The Outhouse, Lawrence, KS, USA. opening for Toxic Reasons, with asst.
- 07/12/1985; Concert at Circle A Ranch, Dallas, TX, USA. opening for Dead Kennedys, with Flaming Lips & 2X4.
- 14/12/1985; Concert at The Native American Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. with Face First, Anti-Socials & asst.
- 04/01/1986; Concert at The Circle A Ranch, Dallas, TX, USA. with 2X4.
- ??/??/1986; N.O.T.A. on hiatus?, no shows for six months.
- ??/??/1986; at some point Bruce (b) leaves and is replaced by Brian, Jeff (g,v) switches to guitar only, Dave joins as vocalist.
- 07/06/1986; Concert at The Scene, Dallas, TX, USA. opening for Mad Parade.
- 06/07/1986; Concert at Club Nitro, Tulsa, OK, USA. with Face First.
- 01/11/1986; Concert at The Outhouse, Lawrence, KS, USA. opening for Fishbone.
- 16/11/1986; Concert at The Skatearama, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. with Face First & R.I.P.
- ??/??/1986; N.O.T.A. split up late 1986 or early 1987.
- ??/??/2020; 'Live At The Skate A Rama' limited tape released, live from 16/11/1986.
Band version 3.0 - 161 entries - 234 images - 24/01/2024.