Verbal Abuse;

Listed Below is all of the known Tour Dates, Album, E.P. & Singles release dates that I have info on from this Texas/San Francisco crossover band. I know there is a hell of a lot more info out there so if you can help let me know.  I'm after any Tickets scans, Tour Posters / Flyers, Tour Shirts, Magazine Adverts etc. hector.kirkwood @
I built this and other pages for some of the bands I like as I could not find any decent info on the net anywhere, these are mainly for my own entertainment but if anyone else enjoys them then it's a bonus, enjoy.

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  1. ??/??/1981; Verbal Abuse form in Houston late '81, Nicki (v), Radi (b), G.E. (g) and John (d).
  2. 13/05/1982; Concert at The Omni, Houston, TX, USA. with The Burning Hearts.
  3. 06/06/1982; Concert at The Omni, Houston, TX, USA. opening for Ghetto Blasters, with Cultureside.
  4. 05/08/1982; Concert at The Ritz, Austin, TX, USA. opening for The Fuck-Ups.
  5. 09/08/1982; Concert at The Omni, Houston, TX, USA. opening for The Fuck Ups & MDC.
  6. 05/09/1982; Concert at The Omni, Houston, TX, USA. opening for The Ghetto Blasters.
  7. ??/??/1982; at some point G.E. (g) leaves the band, he is replaced by Joie.
  8. 04/12/1982; Concert at Easton Hall, Easton, TX, USA. with Fuck Ups, Capitol Punishment & asst.
  9. 11/12/1982; Concert at 236 Lemon Ave, Monrovia, CA, USA. opening for Legion, Lonerz & Decry.
  10.  -  -  -  -  -  - 
  11. 28/01/1983; Concert at Tool & Die, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for The Dicks, Fuck Ups & asst.
  12. 12/02/1983; Concert at The American Indian Centre, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for The Dicks, Rhythm Riot & Fuck-Ups.
  13. ??/02/1983; at some point in February John (d) leaves the band, he is replaced by by Bill for the next show who then joins full time.
  14. ??/02/1983; Concert at ??, New Orleans, LA, USA. with Toxin III. (exact date unknown, with Bill standing in on drums).
  15. ??/??/1983; at some point early '83 the band relocate to San Francisco, Radi (b) leaves the band, Brett replaces him.
  16. 05/03/1983; Concert at De Anza College Cafe, San Jose, CA, USA. opening for Crucifix, Los Olvidados & asst.
  17. 12/03/1983; Concert at Tool & Die, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening M.D.C. & The Dicks, with D.R.I.
  18. 14/03/1983; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. with D.R.I. & asst.
  19. 27/03/1983; Concert at The Cathay De Grande, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for Stains, Aggression & Fuck-Ups.
  20. ??/??/1983; at some point earl '83 Bill (d) leaves, he is replaced by Gregg.
  21. 22/04/1983; Concert at Tool & Die, San Francisco, CA, USA. with D.R.I. & asst.
  22. 23/04/1983; Concert at The Santa Cruz Grange Hall, Canta Cruz, CA, USA. opening for 7 Seconds, with Tales Of Terror & asst.
  23. 25/05/1983; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for The Fuck Ups, with Rebels & Infidels & Urban Assault.
  24. 30/05/1983; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Bad Religion & Los Apvidados, with Stains.
  25. 04/06/1983; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Social Distortion, Code Of Honor & Fuck-Ups. 
  26. 24/06/1983; Concert at Tool & Die, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Die Kruezen, with Tales Of Terror & Bad Influence.
  27. 12/08/1983; Concert at After Hours, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Fuck-Ups & Urban Assault.
  28. 26/08/1983; Concert at Tool & Die, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Scream, with F.U.'s & asst.
  29. 29/08/1983; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Beast Of Beast & Ribsy.
  30. 07/10/1983; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Angry Samoans, with The Afflicted & Lennon Burger.
  31. 09/10/1983; Concert at Tool & Die, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for D.R.I. & asst.
  32.  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  
  33. ??/02/1984; 'Just An American Band' album released, exact date unknown but early '84.
  34. ??/??/1984; at some point in early '84 Brett (b) leaves and is replaced by Dave.
  35. 14/04/1984; Concert at The Metro, Oakland, CA, USA. with 2nd Class Citizens, Deathtoll & asst.
  36. 25/05/1984; Concert at Consolidated Arts Warehouse, Houston, TX, USA. with Marching Plague & asst.
  37. 23/06/1984; Concert at Cabaret Voltaire, Houston, TX, USA. opening for C.O.C., & Dicks with Beef Skurts.
  38. 05/07/1984; Concert at Cabaret Voltaire, Houston, TX, USA. opening for Negative Approach.
  39. 06/10/1984; Concert at Club Culture, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. with Ritzy & Mistaken Identity. (Oct. 6th - Nov. 2nd; 'Just An American Band' Tour).
  40. 10/10/1984; Concert at The Vatican, Eugene, OR, USA. opening for Die Kreuzen.
  41. 16/10/1984; Concert at Smilin' Buddha, Vancouver, BC, Canada. with The Icons.
  42. 20/10/1984; Concert at Spartans Mens Room, Edmonton, AB, Canada. with Down Syndrome & asst.
  43. 02/11/1984; Concert at Arcade Video Rec. Center, Oshkosh, WI, USA. opening for Dead Kennedys & asst.
  44. 12/11/1984; Concert at Reflections, St. Louis, MO, USA. opening for Samhain & Drunks With Guns.
  45. 25/11/1984; Concert at The Electric Banana, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. with Half Life, Flak & Poisoning.
  46. 16/12/1984; Concert at CBGB's, Manhattan, NY, USA. with Offbeat, Shok & Bedlam. (Dec. 16th - Jan 18th; 'U.S. Tour' 1984/85 Pt.1).
  47. 21/12/1984; Concert at The Coventry Club, Queens, NY, USA. with Adrenalin O.D. & The Psychos.
  48. 30/12/1984; Concert at The New Loft, Baltimore, MD, USA. with Killroy, Agnostic Front & Reagan Youth.
  49.  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
  50. 03/01/1985; Concert at Muldowney's, Charlottesville, VA, USA. opening for Circle Jerks, with Y.F.A. (Dec. 16th - Jan 18th; 'U.S. Tour' 1985 Pt.1).
  51. 06/01/1985; Concert at The Brewery, Raleigh, NC, USA. with Unicef, Bloodbath & Subculture.
  52. 11/01/1985; Concert at The Metroplex, Atlanta, GA, USA. with Neon Christ.
  53. 18/01/1985; Concert at The Twilite Room, Dallas, TX, USA. opening for N.O.T.A., with Sketch & Melcoolies.
  54. ??/??/1985; at some point in early '85 Nicki (v) leaves the band, Scotty replaces him, the band has no original members at this point.
  55. 16/02/1985; Concert at Ruthie's Inn, Berkeley, CA, USA. with Tales Of Terror, Special Forces & Boneless Ones.
  56. 17/02/1985; Concert at Knights Of Columbus, Fresno, CA, USA. with Capitol Punishment, Bonelss Ones & asst.
  57. 01/03/1985; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. with The Witnesses, Morally Bankrupt & Boss Hoss.
  58. 23/03/1985; Concert at The Women's Building, San Francisco, CA, USA. with The Fuck-Ups & Butt Ugly Hillbilly's.
  59. 05/04/1985; Concert at Ruthie's Inn, Berkeley, CA, USA. opening for Metal Church, with Hellhound.
  60. 04/05/1985; Concert at The Sound Of Music, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Agnostic Front, with Fuck-Ups & asst. (moved from The Mab).
  61. 25/05/1985; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Green Death & Poison Idea. (date probable, no P.I.).
  62. 05/06/1985; Concert at The American Victorian Museum, Nevada City, CA, USA. opening for D.R.I., with asst. (unsure of date).
  63. 14/06/1985; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for G.B.H., with C.O.C.
  64. 06/07/1985; Concert at Norway Hall, El Camino, CA, USA. with Boneless Ones, Special Forces & Asst. 
  65. 26/07/1985; Concert at The Henry J. Kaiser Centre, Oakland, CA, USA. opening for Suicidal Tendencies, Exodus & Possessed.
  66. 13/09/1985; Concert at The Love Building, Grass Valley, CA, USA. with Alk & Bagh Nakh.
  67. 14/09/1985; Concert at Ruthie's Inn, Berkeley, CA, USA. with Original Sin, Pillage Sunday & asst.
  68. 28/09/1985; Concert at a party, Oakland, CA, USA. with Special Forces, The Boneless Ones & Violent Coercion.
  69. 04/10/1985; Concert at Ruthie's Inn, Berkeley, CA, USA. opening for Fang, with Attitude Adjustment & Faith No More.
  70. 10/10/1985; Concert at 830 Hilyard, Eugene, OR, USA. (Oct. 10th - 18th; U.S. Tour' 1985 Pt.2).
  71. 11/10/1985; Concert at The Satyricon, Portland, OR, USA. with Poison Idea.
  72. 16/10/1985; Concert at John Barleycorn, Vancouver, BC, Canada. with Jesus Rape Trial.
  73. 18/10/1985; Concert at Club Bag, Eugene, OR, USA. with The Priority Demons. (date probable).
  74. 22/11/1985; Concert at The River Theatre, Guerneville, CA, USA. with Boneless Ones & Vertical Urge.
  75. 29/11/1985; Concert at The Kwik Way, Oakland, CA, USA. opening for Necros, with Boneless Ones.
  76. 04/12/1985; Concert at Roxanne's, Arcadia, CA, USA. opening for Flower Leperds & Decry, with Atoms. (unsure of date).
  77. 07/12/1985; Concert at L.P. Wilson Community Center, Windsor, WA, USA. opening for Chronic Disorder.
  78. 22/12/1985; Concert at The Oasis, Sacramento, CA, USA. opening for Megadeth, with Flotsam & Jetsam. 
  79.  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  
  80. 10/01/1986; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Boneless Ones & Tales Of Terror.
  81. 22/01/1986; Concert at The Shelter Club, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Fifth Column, Twist-N-Scream & UXB.
  82. ​25/01/1986; Concert at The Hungarian Centre, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for 7 Seconds, with Christ On Parade & Rhythm Pigs.
  83. 31/01/1986; Concert at New Method, San Pablo, CA, USA. with A31, Short Dogs Grow & asst.
  84. 26/02/1986; Concert at The Oasis, Sacramento, CA, USA. opening for D.R.I, with Dr. Know & Sea Hags.
  85. 21/03/1986; Concert at On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Drunk Injuns, Boneless Ones & House Of Wheels.
  86. 04/04/1986; Concert at Ruthie's Inn, Berkeley, CA, USA. with R.K.L., Desecration & Vomit.
  87. 13/04/1986; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for 7 Seconds, with Social Unrest & Doggie Style. (postponed to 27/04).
  88. 25/04/1986; Concert at Kerak Shriner Hall, Reno, NV, USA. with Jack Shit, Sea Hags & Informal. (moved from Plumbers Hall).
  89. 27/04/1986; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for 7 Seconds & Descendents, with Doggy Style, R.K.L. & asst.
  90. 03/05/1986; Concert at Oddfellow's Hall, Sacramento, CA, USA. with Criminal Mischief & asst.
  91. ??/??/1986; 'Rocks Your Liver' album released, exact date unknown, around April/May?.
  92. 11/05/1986; Concert at The Rock On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with R.K.L., Don't Know & NOFX.
  93. 16/05/1986; Concert at The Rock On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for English Dogs, with Heathen, Blast & asst.
  94. 08/06/1986; Concert at One Step Beyond, Santa Clara, CA, USA. opening for M.D.C., with Grim Reality & asst.
  95. 10/06/1986; Concert at London School, ??, CA?, USA. with Young Jess & Out Of Control.
  96. 03/07/1986; Concert at Sam's Burger Joint, ??, CA?, USA. with Social Decay, The Sinix & The Cutthroats.
  97. 05/07/1986; Concert at The Rock On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Dissonance, with Pillage Sunday.
  98. 12/07/1986; Concert at The New Varsity Theatre, Palo Alto, CA, USA. with Nitemare.
  99. 13/07/1986; Concert at Club X/One Step Beyond, Santa Clara, CA, USA. opening for G.B.H., with Cro Mags & Nation On Fire.
  100. 16/07/1986; Concert at The Oasis, Sacremento, CA, USA. opening for G.B.H., Death Angel & The Cro-Mags.
  101. 08/08/1986; Concert at MLVS School, San Francisco, CA, USA. with D.R.I, Fang, M.D.C. & asst.
  102. 19/09/1986; Concert at The River Theatre, Guerneville, CA, USA. with Touch Me Hooker & M.S.B.
  103. 27/09/1986; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Adolescents, with Doggy Style & asst.
  104. 25/10/1986; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for D.R.I., with asst.
  105. 03/11/1986; Concert at Sound Seas Underground, El Paso, TX, USA. opening for 7 Seconds. (probably Verbal Assault listed by mistake).
  106. 26/11/1986; Concert at El Dorado Saloon, Sacremento, CA, USA. opening for D.R.I., with Death Angel. 
  107. 01/12/1986; Concert at Godfrey's Famous Ballroom, Lafayette, LO, USA. opening for 7 Seconds, with Rise. (probably Verbal Assault listed by mistake).
  108. 13/12/1986; Concert at Fenders, Long Beach, CA, USA. with D.R.I., Excel, Cryptic Slaughter, Attitude Adjustment & asst.
  109. 13/12/1986; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for M.D.C., Fang & Mr T Experience, with Attitude Adjustment. 
  110. 26/12/1986; 'Rocks Your Liver' test pressings made for European release.
  111. 27/12/1985; Concert at Daughter Judy's, Reno, NV, USA. opening for The Adolescents, with Dr. Know.
  112. 28/12/1986; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Adolescents, with Blast & asst.
  113. 31/12/1986; Concert at The On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for M.D.C., with D.R.I.
  114.  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
  115. ??/01/1987; 'Rocks Your Liver' album released in Europe, date approx.
  116. 17/01/1987; Concert at Pony Express Pizza, Redwood City, CA, USA. with Vomit & Discontent. (unsure of date).
  117. ??/??/1987; at some point Joie (g) leaves the band, he is replaced by Andy.
  118. ??/??/1987; at some point Gregg leaves the band for a short while, Mike takes over for him before Gregg rejoins.
  119. 13/03/1987; Concert at Fender's Ballroom, Long Beach, CA, USA. opening for The Dickies, D.I. & Bad Religion.
  120. 14/03/1987; Concert at Club Can't Tell, Sacramento, CA, USA. opening for C.O.C., with SNFU & Honor Role.
  121. 27/03/1987; Concert at Big John's, Anaheim, CA, USA. opening for Adolescents, with Pig Children.
  122. 18/04/1987; Concert at The Rock On Broadway, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Bad Religion & NOFX. (early show).
  123. 18/04/1987; Concert at Telegraph & West Grand, Berkeley, CA, USA. opening for Special Forces. (late show).
  124. 22/04/1987; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for D.O.A., with M.D.C., with Short Dogs Grow.
  125. 22/05/1987; Concert at Newark Pavillion, Newark, CA, USA. opening for M.D.C. with Death Angel & Slambodians.
  126. 05/06/1987; Concert at The Dante Club, Fresno, CA, USA. with Eratic Behaviour & asst.
  127. 11/07/1987; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Capital Punishment, Fang, Neurosis & asst.
  128. 17/07/1987; Concert at Wabash Hall, San Diego, CA, USA. opening for D.R.I., with Adrenalin O.D. & Life Sentence.
  129. 19/07/1987; Concert at The Amerikan Victorian Museum, Nevada City, CA, USA. opening for The Exploited, with Assalt & Mock. 
  130. 25/07/1987; Concert at Down Town, San Jose, CA, USA. opening for Fang, with asst.
  131. 30/07/1987; Concert at Mabuhay Gardens, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Attitude, Sacrilege & Doughboys.
  132. 07/08/1987; Concert at Sound Seas, El Paso, TX, USA. with Vampire Lesbos. (Aug. 7th - Oct. 8th; 'Rocks Your Liver' tour 1987).
  133. 11/08/1987; Concert at The Theatre Gallery, Dallas, TX, USA. with Vampire Lezbos & Frontline.
  134. 15/08/1987; Concert at The Axiom, Houston, TX, USA. with Vampire Lezbos & Allied Agression.
  135. 16/08/1987; Concert at VFW Hall, New Orleans, LA, USA. with Vampire Lezbos & Shell Shock.
  136. 21/08/1987; Concert at The Metroplex, Atlanta, GA, USA. with The Drills.
  137. 23/08/1987; Concert at The Metroplex, Atlanta, GA, USA. (prob moved to 21/08).
  138. 27/08/1987; Concert at The Hung Jury Pub, Washington, DC, USA. with Youth Of Today & Fang.
  139. 29/08/1987; Concert at The New West Side Loft, Baltimore, MD, USA. opening for Fang, with asst. (venue moved).
  140. 02/09/1987; Concert at T.T. The Bears, Cambridge, MA, USA. with Psycho. (date probable).
  141. 05/09/1987; Concert at The Anthrax, Norwalk, CT, USA. with Underdog.
  142. 06/09/1987; Concert at City Gardens, Trenton, NJ, USA. opening for G.B.H., The Accused & Dag Nasty.
  143. 11/09/1987; Concert at The Metal Shop, North Tonawanda, NY, USA. with Half Life & D.I.E. 
  144. 12/09/1987; Concert at The Anthrax, Norwalk, CT, USA. with Psycho & Lethal Faith. (moved from 05/09?, date on flyer wrong).
  145. 13/09/1987; Concert at CBGB's, Manhatten, NY, USA. with Token Entry, Crackdown & Rest In Pieces.
  146. 16/09/1987; Concert at The Jockey Club, Newport, KY, USA. 
  147. 17/09/1987; Concert at Neely B's, Columbus, OH, USA. with Psycho.
  148. 18/09/1987; Concert at Todd's, Detroit, MI, USA. with Scraps.
  149. 20/09/1987; Concert at The Riviera Night Club, Chicago, IL, USA. opening for G.B.H., with The Accused.
  150. 21/09/1987; Concert at The Bernard Pub, St. Louis, MO, USA. with Whoppers Taste Good, Invidious & I.N.C.
  151. 22/09/1987; Concert at First Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, USA. opening for G.B.H. & The Accused.
  152. 24/09/1987; Concert at The New ABC, Green Bay, WI, USA. with Depo Provera & Coup D-Etat.
  153. 25/09/1987; Concert at The Playhouse Theatre, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. opening for G.B.H. & The Accused.
  154. 29/09/1987; Concert at The Westward Club, Calgary, AB, Canada. opening for G.B.H. & The Accused.
  155. 01/10/1987; Concert at Luv-A-Fair Cabaret, Vancouver, BC, Canada. opening for G.B.H. & The Accused.
  156. 04/10/1987; Concert at Community World, Tacoma, WA, USA. with Sacrilege B.C. & Asst.
  157. 05/10/1987; Concert at The Pine St. Theatre, Portland, OR, USA. with Death Midget, Crotch Rocket & Mantus.
  158. 07/10/1987; Concert at The El Dorado Saloon, Sacramento, CA, USA. opening for G.B.H. & The Accused.
  159. 08/10/1987; Concert at Dazzle's Underground, Modesto, CA, USA. with Chemical Dependency & asst.
  160. 24/10/1987; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Frightwig, Sea Hags, Operation Ivy & asst.
  161. 24/10/1987; Concert at Fender's Ballroom, Long Beach, CA, USA. opening for G.B.H. & Poison Idea, with Final Conflict. (late show?).
  162. 25/10/1987; Concert at Parochiezaal, Scherpenhuevel, Belgium. with Repulsives & Capitol Punishment. (European tour '87 cancelled).
  163. 31/10/1987; Concert at The Farm, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for D.O.A., with asst.
  164. 17/12/1987; Concert at The Victoria Theatre, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Forbidden Evil & Vio-Lence.
  165. 18/12/1987; Concert at Fender's Ballroom, Long Beach, CA, USA. opening for Blast! & D.I., with Crowd & Worked World.
  166. 26/12/1987; Concert at The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Death Angel, with Demented.
  167.  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  
  168. 02/01/1988; Concert at The Metroplex, Atlanta, GA, USA. opening for Agnostic Front. (listed by mistake, was Verbal Assault).
  169. 22/01/1988; Concert at The Shelter Club, San Franaisco, CA?, USA. opening for Fifth Column & asst.
  170. 19/02/1988; Concert at The Chatterbox, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Tunnel Creeps & Twitch.
  171. 21/03/1988; Concert at The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Exploited, with Demented. 
  172. 25/03/1988; Concert at The Amerikan Victorian Museum, Nevada City, CA, USA. with R.K.L., Social Unrest & asst. cancelled
  173. 02/04/1988; Concert at The Stone, San Fransisco, CA, USA. opening for Attitude, with Forbidden Evil & Militia.
  174. 08/04/1988; Concert at Firehouse 7, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Hippy Bitch.
  175. 10/04/1988; Concert at The Lite Rail Inn, Sacramento, CA, USA. with Identity Crisis.
  176. 29/04/1988; Concert at The New Mountain View Theatre, Mountain View, CA, USA. opening for Death Angel, with Slambodians.
  177. 07/05/1988; Concert at The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Hippy Bitch & Wasted Morality.
  178. 07/06/1988; Concert at The Kennel Club, San Francisco, CA, USA. with The Fuck-Ups. 
  179. 11/06/1988; Concert at Keisha's Inn, Berkeley, CA, USA. opening for Fang, with Attitude Adjustment & Neurosis.
  180. 25/07/1988; Concert at The I-Beam, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for The Flaming Lips.
  181. 02/08/1988; Concert at The Stagecoach, San Jose, CA, USA. with Stiletto & No Warning.
  182. 11/08/1988; Concert at The Stardust Ballroom, Hollywood, CA, USA. opening for Adolescents, with Token Entry & asst.
  183. 19/08/1988; Concert at The Kennel Club, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Flower Leperds.
  184. 11/09/1988; Concert at The Covered Wagon Saloon, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Crash 'N' Burn.
  185. 01/10/1988; Concert at The New Mountain Theatre, Mountain View, CA, USA. with Epidemic, Forced Psychosis & Xzanthus.
  186. 14/10/1988; Concert at The I-Beam, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Circle Jerks.
  187. 09/11/1988; Concert at The Oasis, Oakland, CA, USA. with Hell's Kitchen & Mc Tree.
  188. 17/12/1988; Concert at The Omni, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Motorhead & Holy Terror.
  189. 20/12/1988; Concert at The Kennel Club, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Attitude.
  190.  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
  191. 21/01/1989; Concert at 924 Gilman Street, Berkeley, CA, USA. with Paranoia & Anxiety.
  192. 10/02/1989; Concert at The Kennel Club, San Francisco, CA, USA. opening for Sea Hags.
  193. 17/03/1989; Concert at The Country Club, Reseda, CA, USA. opening for D.R.I, with Nasty Savage.
  194. 16/04/1989; Concert at Capitola Senior Center, Capitola, CA, USA. with Vicious Midgets & asst.
  195. 09/06/1989; Concert at Eagle's Hall, Santa Cruz, CA, USA. with Wrekking Machine, Epidemic & Rude Awakening. (unsure of date).
  196. 25/06/1989; Concert at The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Attitude, Blast & Neurosis.
  197. 07/07/1989; Concert at The Speedway Cafe, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. with NOFX, Life Sentence & Herb Tarlicks.
  198. 08/07/1989; Concert at The Chatterbox, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Sinister Sisters Of Satan.
  199. 15/07/1989; Concert at 924 Gilman Street, Berkeley, CA, USA. with Hell's Kitchen.
  200. 22/07/1989; Concert at River Theatre, Guerneville, CA, USA. with Attitude & S.G.M.
  201. ??/??/1989; at some point Gregg (d) leaves the band, Chris replaces him.
  202. 01/09/1989; Concert at 924 Gilman Street, Berkeley, CA, USA. with Attitude.
  203. 28/09/1989; Concert at The Full Moon Saloon, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Mordred & Potential Threat.
  204. 03/11/1989; Concert at Ungdomshuset, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Nov. 3rd - Dec. 18th; 'European Tour' 1989).
  205. 04/11/1989; Concert at Alternative, Lubeck, Germany.
  206. 05/11/1989; Concert at Alte Meierei, Kiel, Germany. 
  207. 07/11/1989; Concert at Fabrik, Hamburg, Germany. opening for ALL.
  208. 08/11/1989; Concert at Roter Sand, Bremerhaven, Germany. 
  209. 09/11/1989; Concert at AJZ, Bielefeld, Germany. with Happy Hour.
  210. 10/11/1989; Concert at Paul Loebe Haus, Gelsenkirchen, Germany. 
  211. 11/11/1989; Concert at The Rose Club, Cologne, Germany. opening for M.D.C. (M.D.C. cancelled).
  212. 12/11/1989; Concert at Au, Frankfurt, Germany.
  213. 13/11/1989; Concert at ??, Heidelberg, Germany.
  214. 14/11/1989; Concert at Schlaugh, Pforzheim, Germany.
  215. 15/11/1989; Concert at ??, Karlsruhe, Germany.
  216. 16/11/1989; Concert at ??, Rankweil, Austria.
  217. 17/11/1989; Concert at Stuz, Zurich, Switzerland.
  218. 21/11/1989; Concert at Kulturstation, Munich, Germany. 
  219. 22/11/1989; Concert at Arena, Vienna, Austria.
  220. 23/11/1989; Concert at ??, Augsburg, Germany.
  221. 25/11/1989; Concert at ??, Ingolstadt, Germany.
  222. 26/11/1989; Concert at ??, Wertheim, Germany.
  223. 27/11/1989; Concert at Zeche Carl, Essen, Germany.
  224. 30/11/1989; Concert at Goudvishal, Arnhem, The Netherlands. 
  225. 01/12/1989; Concert at Metropol Muziekcafe, Hengelo, The Netherlands.
  226. 02/12/1989; Concert at Parkhof, Alkmaar, The Netherlands.
  227. 06/12/1989; Concert at Video 4000, Orleans, France. with Happy Hour & D.D.T.
  228. 07/12/1989; Concert at Croix De Chavaux, Montreuil, France. with Happy Hour & Razzle Dazzle.
  229. 13/12/1989; Concert at AK 47, Dusseldorf, Germany. with Happy Hour.
  230. 14/12/1989; Concert at Melkweg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. opening for Napalm Death & Morbid Angel.
  231. 16/12/1989; Concert at JUZ, Wolfsburg, Germany.
  232. 17/12/1989; Concert at ??, Blocksberg, Germany. released in 1990 as 'Passport' live album.
  233. 18/12/1989; Concert at The Ex Club, Berlin, Germany. released in 1990 as 'Passport' live album.
  234.  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
  235. 09/02/1990; Concert at Paradigm Studios, Oakland, CA, USA. with Epidemic & asst. Video shoot. (date on flyer wrong!, 1991, go figure).
  236. 23/02/1990; Concert at Dazzles Underground, Modesto, CA, USA. with Slambodians, Blatz & S.S.S.
  237. 02/03/1990; Concert at The Omni, Oakland, CA, USA. with Morticious & Kaos.
  238. 15/03/1990; Radio appearance on KSFS Radio, CA, USA.
  239. 06/07/1990; Concert at The Full Moon Saloon, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Sacrilege & Potential Threat,
  240. 11/08/1990; Concert at The Omni, Oakland, CA, USA. opening for Defiance, with Sacrilege & Warfare D.C.
  241. 12/09/1990; Concert at The Anthrax, Norwalk, CT, USA. opening for Psycho, with Lethal Faith. (possibly Verbal Assault or dated wrong).
  242. 22/09/1990; Concert at The I-Beam, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Bourbon Delux & Otello's Revenge.
  243. ??/??/1990; 'Passport, Verbal Abuse Of America' live album released, recorded live in Berlin & Blocksberg '89.
  244. 28/09/1990; Concert at SO36, Berlin, Germany. (Sep. 28th - Nov. 4th; 'Passport' European Tour 1990).
  245. 29/09/1990; Concert at ??, Hamburg, Germany.
  246. 30/09/1990; Concert at Mad, Hannover, Germany.
  247. 01/10/1990; Concert at ??, Brannschweig, Germany.
  248. 02/10/1990; Concert at Zeche Carl, Essen, Germany. with Lavatory.
  249. 03/10/1990; Concert at The Rose Club, Cologne, Germany. with Lavatory.
  250. 04/10/1990; Concert at ??, Koblenz, Germany.
  251. 05/10/1990; Concert at Kling Klang, Wilhelmshaven, Germany.
  252. 06/10/1990; Concert at ??, Bremen, Germany.
  253. 07/10/1990; Concert at Van Hall, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  254. 08/10/1990; Concert at Muhle, Marl, Germany.
  255. 09/10/1990; Concert at Spot, Kassel, Germany.
  256. 10/10/1990; Concert at ??, Leipzig, Germany.
  257. 11/10/1990; Concert at ??, Nurnberg, Germany.
  258. 12/10/1990; Concert at ??, Amberg, Germany.
  259. 13/10/1990; Concert at Kulturstation, Munich, Germany. with Lavatory.
  260. 14/10/1990; Concert at K.O.M.A., Biberach An Der Riss, Germany.
  261. 15/10/1990; Concert at SoWiSo, Frieburg, Germany. with Lavatory. (moved to the 16th).
  262. 16/10/1990; Concert at SoWiSo, Freiburg, Germany. with Lavatory. (moved from 15th).
  263. 16/10/1990; Concert at ??, Milan, Italy. (cancelled or moved).
  264. 17/10/1990; Concert at Isola, Bologna, Italy.
  265. 18/10/1990; Concert at ??, Torino, Italy.
  266. 20/10/1990; Concert at KGB, Barcelona, Spain. with Lavatory.
  267. 21/10/1990; Concert at ??, Zaragoza, Spain.
  268. 22/10/1990; Concert at Gaztetxe, Bilbao, Spain. (moved to 24/10).
  269. 23/10/1990; Concert at ??, San Sebastian, Spain.
  270. 24/10/1990; Concert at ??, Toulouse, France. (cancelled or moved).
  271. 24/10/1990; Concert at Gaztetxe, Bilbao, Spain. with Lavatory.
  272. 25/10/1990; Concert at The Omni, Oakland, CA, USA. (cancelled, planned before the tour was confirmed).
  273. 25/10/1990; Concert at ??, Lyon, France.
  274. 26/10/1990; Concert at ??, Orleans, France.
  275. 27/10/1990; Concert at ??, Paris, France.
  276. 28/10/1990; Concert at Villa Roller, Waibingen, Germany.
  277. 29/10/1990; Concert at Old Daddy, Oberhausen, Germany.
  278. 31/10/1990; Concert at ??, Frankfurt, Germany.
  279. 01/11/1990; Concert at Ecstasy, Berlin, Germany. opening for Agnostic Front.
  280. 03/11/1990; Concert at Ungdomshuset, Copenhagen, Denmark. opening for Agnostic Front, with Endless Struggle.
  281. 04/11/1990; Concert at ??, Hamburg, Germany.
  282. ??/??/1990; 'Verbal Abuse' four song demo released, exact date unknown. (these songs all appear on 'Red, White & Violent' in '95).
  283.  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  =  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  
  284. 16/01/1991; Concert at Fairgrounds, Homeland?, CA, USA. with Sacrilege & asst. (unsure of date).
  285. 25/01/1991; Concert at The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Horde Of Torment, Contempt & Intrinsic.
  286. 04/02/1991; Concert at The Nightbreak, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Goodbye Gemini.
  287. 09/02/1991; Concert at Paradigm Studios, Oakland, CA, USA. with Epidemic & asst. (wrong year on original flyer). Video shoot.
  288. 19/03/1991; Concert at The I-Beam, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Bedrock.
  289. 05/04/1991; Concert at The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Nowhere Men & asst.
  290. 13/04/1991; Concert at Beach Lake, Sacramento, CA, USA. with Hemi, STP, Bourbon Delux & asst.
  291. 20/04/1991; Concert at The Chameleon, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Screaming Bloody Marys & Schleprock.
  292. 16/05/1991; Concert at The Omni, Oakland, CA, USA. with Horde Of Torment.
  293. 05/07/1991; Concert at The Stone, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Skeletal Bliss & asst.
  294.  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 
  295. 18/04/1992; Concert at Jenny Lind Hall, Oakland, CA, USA. opening for Mentors, with Special Forces & asst.
  296. 27/09/1992; Concert at At Your Place Too, Oakland, CA, USA. with Filboid Studge.
  297. 30/09/1992; Concert at The Power Station, Eureka, CA, USA. with Locust Furnace & Re-Education.
  298. 04/12/1992; Concert at Brave New World, San Francisco, CA, USA. with Re-Educations & Hock A Loogie.
  299. 16/12/1992; Concert at Magnolia's, Santa Rosa, CA, USA. with Re-Education & Skate Of The Art,
  300. 17/12/1992; Concert at Berkeley Square Nightclub, Berkeley, CA, USA. with Eternal Reign & Kaos.
  301. 22/12/1992; Concert at Nightbreak, San Francisco, CA, USA. with M.D.C.
  302.  -  -  -  -  -  - 
  303. 25/04/1993; Concert at Your Place Too, Oakland, CA, USA. with Econochrist, Grimple & asst.
  304. ??/??/1993; Verbal Abuse split up at some unknown point in 1993.
  305. ??/??/1995?; Verbal Abuse record a new/last album, this line up has the same line up as the '89/'90 era; Scotty (v), Chris (d), Dave (b) and Andy (g).
  306. ??/??/1995; 'Red, White & Violent' album released, exact date unknown, recording date unknown.
  307.  - 

Verbal Abuse version 7.0 - 308 entries - 396 images - 10/06/2024.